By Curtis Hendricks

Many people have come to me expressing how they wish they had more time to go back

to school. In the early years of my marriage I was having difficulty competing in the job arena. I

had a full time job, three kids, and a wife that I wanted to spend time with. How was I going to


attend college? I enrolled in an online program at University of Phoenix (UofPX). I received one

degree and I am almost complete with my second degree. The online program allowed me to

attend my schooling at home during times I chose. Granted, I received a lot of support from my

wife and could not have gone as far in college as I have. I now have a full-time job teaching with

no worry of needing a job or looking for the next job.

An online education is difficult because you have no one holding your hand getting you

through the course. The online education is mostly self motivated, but worth gaining an

education that works with your schedule. UofPX and Kaplan College both have local facilities

that can help you start and finish your online college education or job specific training. National

University also has a local facility to help you tailor your courses and fit them to your schedule.

Online universities and colleges are growing and becoming more popular, so popular that

top universities such as Cal Tech, Stanford, and University of California, Berkeley are offering

free courses online. Web sites such as and have free full courses for anyone

to attend via the internet. I have taken some refresher courses in mathematics from top

universities here in our state. University professors are also offering full semester lectures on

websites such as and

The information available to use is limitless. You can now attend a lecture at the top

university of your choice from your own home. Many of these courses are not worth college

credits, but they can give you a proper jump start into your college education. These courses can

offer the perfect refresher in a once lost knowledge needed for an upcoming job. These courses

helped me, and I believe they can help you. We must strive to learn something new every day.

What better way to learn than from the top educators of our time.