Some cannabis consumers fear them, other embrace them. In the current cannabis marketplace, edibles are required to be 100mg per package and spaced into serving sizes of doses from 5mg to 10mg, but never exceeding 100mg per package. In dispensaries, a curious consumer can find a range of confections from beverages, mints, candies, sprays, and chocolates.

The method of eating or drinking cannabis affects the body through the digestive system and metabolism. Unlike consuming cannabis through means of combustion, there is a delay to the onset of edibles. Often times, it takes anywhere from 15-20 minutes minimum to 3 hours maximum for the impact of the plant to influence your body. THC will feel more intense in its onset and its duration. Most dispensaries also offer CBD alternatives in their edibles selections as well.

As earlier stated, in the recreational cannabis market in California edibles cannot exceed 100mg per package. This indicates the dosage of cannabinoids per edible. Start with a 5mg or 10mg piece of candy and see how you feel. It always helps to begin slowly before eating an entire bag. Once you become experienced with edibles you will easily see yourself dosing at 20mg or more depending on your reason for using the edibles and the desired level of potency you need.


Edibles have gained a difficult to understand reputation because of the difference that cannabis has when it is delivered through the gut. When consuming edibles, cannabinoids are metabolized through the liver. The THC metabolizes into a compound called 11-hydroxy-THC which is a compound much more potent than typical THC and produces a much more sedating feeling which can help those seeking relief from pain throughout the day, or aids in sleep.

All edibles are created differently, either through a cannabis distillate–an odor and flavorless oill–, pure cannabinoid crystals, hash, wax, or nanotechnology. It is always infused into a fat like butter or oil in order to go into a food product. The cannabis compounds must go through a process called decarboxylation during the infusion process which THCa–a non psychoactive cannabinoid– converts to our good friend THC. It is important to note that the human body cannot convert THCa to THC on its own. Fun fact, if you ever come across a cannabis flower product with high levels of THCa it will all be converted to THC during the combustion process. This is exactly how decarboxylation works.

Most dispensaries across the Coachella Valley have a wide range of edibles which can allow for desired feelings of pain relief or recreational intoxication. Some shops even offer edible discount days where customers can receive a deal for their edibles. Companies in the cannabis edible game offer wide varieties of drinks and foods. I personally have been preferring drinking cannabis beverages and would highly recommend the Legal Sparkling Sodas if you’re looking for a THC experience, or Sprig CBD sodas if you’re looking for a CBD experience.

Happy eating!