As you circle the house, changing clocks back make time for this short safety checklist. It’ll see you into the winter with a safe and organized home:

Change the clocks, change the batteries. Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors save lives.

Replace light bulbs. Long dark winter evenings call for a little illumination! Since you’ll have stepladders out to reach smoke detectors and clocks on Time Change Sunday, double up on safety (and energy savings) by checking for light bulbs and fixtures.

Prepare for cold and flu season. Cold weather is here and so are colds and the flu; will your household be prepared if illness strikes? Check the medicine cabinet, and assess stocks of over-the-counter medications. Do you have sufficient non-aspirin fever reducers, cough syrup, and decongestants needed to fight colds or flu?


Make or review your family emergency plan. If an emergency strikes, will your family know what to do? Review your family’s emergency plan, or create one for the first time. Update phone numbers, addresses and contact information, and post an Emergency Information Page near the phone.

Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna