By Bronwyn Ison

You’re hearing about self-care everywhere. Why? Because people are burned out, getting sick and are tired of being tired.  We often believe we have to finish just this last tasks or meet that certain deadline. The fact of the matter is, we are overwhelmed, over scheduled and are committing when we want to scream no. 

If you don’t have balance in your life, at some point circumstances will get out of control.  A lack of balance can lead to severe anxiety and depression.  Not to mention a physical toll on your health.  As a professional in the health and wellness industry for more than a decade, I can tell you, I’ve met thousands of people who are seeking remedies to find balance and heal. Taking time for yourself is one way to get started with being mindful about your health. 

Self-care must fully encompass each aspect; mind, body and soul/spirit.  It may sound cliche but it’s the truth.  Our mind needs to be functioning properly, our body needs exercise and rest and our soul/spirit needs to be fueled with stillness, prayers, devotionals and affirmations.  Being human requires so much. The thought of what it takes to nourish ourselves can feel like a lot.  However, if we don’t care for ourselves, how can we be of service to others? Our lives are busy and filled with work, famliy, responsibilities, life’s unexpected turn of events and so much more.  Yet, I’ve learned if you do all things with balance you can achieve most all your heart desires. 


Here a few ways to get started with better self-care:

  1. Make a self-care wishlist
  2. Sign up for a fitness class/yoga class
  3. Take 10 minutes to read a book
  4. Sit in silence for 10 minutes
  5. Grab a fresh pressed juice and take time to enjoy the moment
  6. Get a pedicure
  7. Listen to your favorite podcast
  8. Take a walk
  9. Tell your family you need 20 min (take a bath)
  10. Play the music loud and dance to your favorite song

It’s  requires discipline to care for you. Get out of your head that it’s selfish to care for you.  It can be selfish if you’re spending each day, hours upon hours, only thinking of and doing for yourself.  This isn’t healthy either and I would not consider that balance. In fact, most of us feel great when we serve.  But, make sure you’ve allowed yourself time on your own.

Bronwyn Ison is the owner of Evolve Yoga, , Yoga on Demand, and 760-564-YOGA