In life we are challenged with tests and passing them is a part of never giving up. Without trials and tribulations we would not prosper. I am certain you’ve had circumstances you didn’t believe you could surmount. Yet, as time passed you were able to see the light at the end of tunnel.

Just when you think you cannot tolerate much more, a ray of sunshine peeks through. There are allocated tests in our life so we may be mentally and physically stronger in our daily lives. We’ve all seen and experienced some dark moments in our lives. Reflecting on my trials there isn’t one experience I would alter. In fact, I am grateful for my hardships. I’ve been able to recognize what I could endure. Plus, I never capitulated. I always keep in mind there is an end to every beginning.

If you were exposed to something, you are meant to go through it. Most of us have goals. While trying to achieve your aspirations you’ll have a few bumps along the way. Keep in mind anything worthwhile will require you to work. Without the hurdles you may not appreciate the end result as well.


Admit you’ve looked at one or more people in your life and wish you had what they possessed. As an entrepreneur and having a network of other like-minded people in my life each of us share our thoughts with one another. Each person with any kind of success, at one time or another has felt as though they couldn’t keep going if something didn’t give a little. Entrepreneurs are tested constantly. With each tests we are able to progress. Once we learn a lesson the next task doesn’t seem as daunting. During

moments of stress we revert to form.

Here are few suggestions to keep in mind while you work through difficult moments.

*This to shall pass. Nothing lasts forever. There is always an ending.

*You are meant to experience your hardship so you may be prepared for the chapter.

*Do not throw a pity party for yourself.

*Be excited about what you’ll learn and how you can prosper from your experience.

*Don’t be shy about talking to others or asking for their help.

*Take time for yourself.

*Ask yourself how your tribulations can positively affect you in the future.

*Be of assistance to someone else if you see him/her in a similar situation.

Just as one challenge ends another may commence. Be prepared to dive in and conquer. Your previous life accounts have already prepared you for what is on the horizon. You can surmount all difficulties. Trust there is a special plan for your life.

Bronwyn Ison is the owner of Evolve Yoga. &