By Sunny Simon

I read recently that an elementary school principal in Minnesota is banning the celebration of Valentine’s Day. The thought saddened me and frankly his point of view is totally lost on me. Never did I suspect Valentine’s Day would become a holiday demanding political correctness. What could be harmful about spreading a little love around?

On the flip side, I was delighted to learn the Japanese are passionate about celebrating February 14th. Traditionally it is a day when women lavish chocolate confections on men. Hmm…I like it, kind of a Sadie Hawkins concept.

February 14th may even be a heart healthy day. Studies do support the fact that dark chocolate and red wine are good for you. Reservatrol is found in luscious reds and doctors claim moderate cocoa consumption may lower blood pressure.


But health and politics aside, Valentine’s Day has always been my favorite holiday. I take a broader view of the celebration than a day exclusively for sweetheart couples. Whether you are part of a twosome, or a single, rejoicing in the feeling of love can elevate your mood.

According to one definition of love is: a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child or friend. So there you have it. Everyone has at least one friend they think of with warmth and fondness.

Why not join in the celebration? You have some time to get something on the calendar. Decide to express your love to someone by making this Sunday special. You can go big by planning a romantic candlelight dinner, lavishing your love with a designer bouquet, a bright bangle or a love poem attached to a plush teddy bear if that’s your style. But spreading the love can be as undemanding as reaching out to a friend who could use a little cheer, calling your mother, or simply donning your most comfortable sweats  and treating yourself to your favorite glass of whatever while watching a movie. Self love is vital to living well.

This Valentine’s Day I’ll be thinking of a friend of mine who is flying his girlfriend to New York. He plans to pop the question at Rockefeller Center where his grandfather proposed to his grandmother. I’m hoping she says yes. I’ll also be sending love wishes to those close to me. And about that elementary school principal, I may just send him a Valentine. After all, even a Grinch needs a little love.

Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching. More about Sunny at