By Bronwyn Ison

America’s waistlines continue to expand. The United States is number one on the top 10 List of most obese countries. Obesity is a public health concern and approximately 150-billion dollars annually is spent treating obesity in America. This is not an article about how obese our country is but rather an informative piece on how to trim your waistline.

One form of exercise that may be the least favorite to many is a cardiovascular workout. Why? It requires effort and many are not willing to put in the time or dedication. Clearly the obesity statistics are proof we have a lackadaisical society. The most common excuse for not exercising is, “I don’t have enough time in my day.” You may ask yourself, “Do I have enough time to become ill or be counted in the obesity statistics?” Nobody cares to feel poorly. Therefore, one way to execute a workout plan is to make an appointment.

Having a regular cardio routine will assist with keeping your weight under control as well as alleviate stress. The American College of Sports Medicine suggest 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise 5 days a week, or vigorous cardio 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week. For weight loss, you might need even more (up to 60-90 minutes) depending on your diet and other activities. Our bodies need to move. Many people have sedentary jobs and your body likely feels tight or aches at the end of your workday. One of the best ways to suppress the tension is to get moving. Think about how good you feel after a successful workout. You feel energized, rejuvenated, less stressed and perhaps relaxed.


Cardiovascular exercise is an important part of a healthy body for a plethora of reasons:
– Weight loss
– Stronger heart and lungs
– Increased bone density
– Reduced stress
– Reduced risk of heart disease and some types of cancer
– Temporary relief from depression and anxiety
– More confidence about how you feel and how you look
– Better sleep
– More energy
– Setting a good example for your kids to stay active as they get older
You may recognize weight loss is first on the list. Consider the other benefits that will allow you to feel healthy and alive. When we are active we simply feel better.

With the onset of summer heat, you may need to get up earlier for a morning walk or jog. Or, cool down with a pool workout. Naturally there are always cardio machines at the gym. Make an – appointment and commit to a healthier, leaner and less stressed you. Your body will love you for the additional TLC.

Bronwyn Ison is the Owner of Evolve Yoga. Visit or (760) 564-YOGA