By Bronwyn Ison

Another year has transpired.  It is a time of reflection and establishing New Year’s resolutions.  Looking back on the previous year you have wonderful memories and likely learned a few lessons.  While reflecting keep in mind that a New Year is in the offing.  Build upon all that has been prosperous and relinquish all that has not served you.

Commencing a New Year is exciting.  Most of us will set resolutions.  Set realistic goals and expectations for yourself.  So often our resolutions extinguish quickly because we revert to old habits.  Be honest with yourself.  Or, trust a friend who can hold you accountable for your actions.  If you desire a healthier lifestyle it would behoove you to have a workout buddy.  The two of you can check in with one another and monitor your progress.  If you desire to do it on your own, journaling will help you obtain your maximum potential.

Approach the upcoming year with positivity.  You reap what you sow.  Therefore, if you desire goodness and possess a generous spirit you will benefit of your actions.  Naturally, the year ahead will present many valuable lessons and hardships.  Remember they are all for your good.  Yet, you will also have an abundance of favor as well.  How you conduct yourself with your family, friends and business will also affect the outcome of your day-to-day life.


You’ve wanted to learn how to play piano… commit to taking lessons.  Kicking an old habit such as smoking, decreasing your sugar intake or diminishing caffeine from your diet may be challenging but it’s time to let it go.  Perhaps you have struggled with forgiving someone who has hurt you. Now may be a good time to forgive and move on with your life.  Perhaps you need to contemplate some personal issues in your own life.  Why wait another year?  Jettison what is not serving your soul.

To begin anew is challenging, exhilarating and can be frightening.  When we set goals we are inviting change into our lives.  Change is the only constant in life.  It also sets our minds up for anxiety.  Since most of us live fear based, change is precarious.  If you approach your goals knowing that change is required you can look fear in the face.  If we were to consider fear it may not be as ominous.

As I mature I have realized it is impossible to propel forward if you are lingering in your past.  The past is the past, meaning it is over.  Welcome new opportunities and allow yourself to rejoice about what your future has in store for you.  Diminish negative thoughts and voices.  It does not serve you.  Negative thoughts and people will not allow you to explore all the goodness that awaits you in 2016.

Wishing each of you a prosperous and healthy New Year.  Welcome change and the remainder will fall into place.  Recite… “This is my year!”

Bronwyn Ison is the owner of Evolve Yoga. 760.564.YOGA