Would you be ALL IN for a 14-day keto challenge that BEGINS MONDAY, JANUARY 11? The official challenge runs from January 11- 25.

This was purposely designed for those of us who aren’t doing this as a resolution but are serious about a 14-day weight loss reset. You may have gained weight during the holidays or you have more weight to lose to get those last pesky pounds off or you may just feel disconnected from your body and weight right now and need a change.  No matter what…this will get you excited, reconnected, motivated and passionate again!  Expect this to be fun with a lot of camaraderie, prizes and inspiration and fun daily and weekly challenges. Like everything I do, it’s not one size fits all.  You’ll have the opportunity to design your own journey during the challenge based on your passion for weight loss, motivation, current lifestyle and goals.

For those of you using this challenge to be more aggressive –I’m giving you a guarantee that if you follow my guidance for this route, you will LOSE a PANT SIZE and get back into your favorite pair of jeans!!! (Note: It will involve intermittent fasting)


This challenge is for women who are looking to try a different approach to Keto and weight loss. Set aside all the time, money, and energy you’ve spent on yo-yo dieting in the past.  Whether it’s been a diet program or an app or you tried it on your own.

As you let go of the past and all those thoughts about yourself that you:

  • look puffy
  • have a double chin
  • look so fat
  • have clothes that are too tight
  • are too weak to actually lose weight
  • have given up

Now’s an opportunity to stop looking in the rear view mirror and move yourself forward to a different version of you.  Love yourself for who you’ve been and decide to choose yourself, a better version of you and let’s do this!

The 14 day “Get Back into Your Jeans” Challenge is purposely designed to be affordable at $59.

You’ll enjoy delicious foods; you will feel balanced mentally and emotionally (no more binge eating) and during this challenge expect to transform yourself and finally feel comfortable in your own skin…and confident again.

Express your interest by sending me an email ( then we’ll set up a quick zoom call so I can find out more about you and what you want to accomplish with the challenge.  No money is collected until we’ve spoken and you’ve indicated you are ready to move forward.

Be sure to pass the word on to your friends and family. The more the merrier it’s a lot more fun and you’ll be more successful with an accountability partner.

No matter what, though, it’s important to remember you aren’t doing it alone.  Your COACH is with you and available to you daily… Are YOU ready?

About Michelle Borthwick:

Michelle Borthwick, known more widely as Michelle Keto, is the foremost expert in living the Keto lifestyle and the go-to coach for Keto women. Her 1:1 coaching, and DIY Keto digital programs have helped hundreds of women from 25 states and 4 countries lose over 8,000 pounds while eating foods they love. This foodie’s motto, and business name, is “Keto is Easy” and she’s one of the only Keto leaders who promotes full customization for long term success. For a complimentary 30-minute coaching consultation please schedule at: or