Produced By Tiar’a Literary & Illustration
Over the last few months, the Coachella Valley has seen an eruption of construction. For many, this is an unwelcomed expansion that did not take into consideration the thoughts and feelings of our locals. However, the grander, perhaps more intriguing question is – How is this happening?
We are obviously currently living through a form of a recession. Let’s face facts. Interest rates are up, groceries are up, gas is still up, and wages in the year 2025 are an insult, and undeniably pathetically low.
Rumors began swirling a few years ago that there was a conglomerate decision to initiate the construction of “15-minute cities” worldwide.
What is a 15-minute city? A 15-minute city is a town constructed to accommodate everyone’s needs within 15 minutes of their domicile. This means that you are never more than 15 minutes away from a hospital, a grocery store, a gym, a school, etc.
The purpose of a 15-minute city, so we have been informed, would be to curb greenhouse emissions a “save the planet”. However, the strikingly terrifying element of this well-thought-out plan that is often kept out is the fact that tolls may also be imposed upon individuals who wish to travel “outside” their “15-minute City”. Imagine all of this – a convenient little city. Yet, one in which you are strong-armed through finances to remain.
Coming back to construction in the Coachella Valley. Apartment complexes – they are popping up everywhere! From La Quinta, to Palm Desert, and Rancho Mirage. These monstrosities are eyesores, not to mention their obvious esthetic clash with the landscape. Their designs appear as though they belong in North Hollywood, rather than in our majestic valley. Who permitted this construction to happen?
It appears that our valley is expecting an influx of residents. Otherwise, why else would they be building hundreds, if not thousands of apartments. Some may argue, it’s because most can no longer afford to buy houses. Others argue, the youth don’t want to live in houses or carry mortgages.
It is true, there will be an exodus of individuals from Los Angeles County following the devastating fires. In that regard, the apartments will be well received. However, it is highly doubtful that these apartments will be “affordable”.
No one truly knows why the sudden explosion of apartment building construction in the Coachella Valley. But for those who remain skeptical of the 15-minute cities, we can also share that several states on the East Coast of the United States, are likewise seeing thousands of apartment buildings being erected daily.
If the golden age of freedom has truly returned to these United States of America, then we would hope that the myth of the 15-minute cities is just that. If it is not, then we are now living in a time offering less freedom than ever before.