Produced By Tiar’a Literary & Illustration
Let us begin by saying, Happy New Year! May your 2025 be filled with great health, joy, and fulfillment.
2024 was an undeniably wild year, but as new political powers take their stand to lead our country into a brighter future, let us pray for their strength, judgement, and courage. Most reading this article are Americans, and as Americans we should stand united. As the Holy Biblical scripture reads – “A house united will stand. A house divided will fall”. These are not words written by mere mortals. These are Words of the one true and Holy God.
For those of you within the artistic community, and moreover tattoo enthusiasts, this marks another exceptionally eventful year for anyone who chooses to have their upcoming tattoo designed and printed by, The Trusted Tattoo Company and mobile Body Art Bus.
Joey Chavez, owner of both companies, has a busy year ahead of him. Aside from running the daily activities of both The Trusted Tattoo Company, and mobile Body Art Bus, Joey, a United States Veteran, is planning this year’s monolithic, Ink Con.
Last year, INK CON took place inside the majesty of the, Ontario Convention Center. This year, once again, the Ontario Convention will play host. But before the epic event takes place, let’s talk tattoos… Would you like one?
If your answer is YES to the aforementioned then you are reading the right article, and considering the right company to be the one to produce your next, or first tattoo.
The last twenty years have seen a BOOM of individuals sporting tattoos. Why? We can’t quite say for sure. All we know is, art, that was once only viewed on a canvas inside a museum, is now being displayed on people walking about here and there. It’s INSANE to think that no one has invented a tattoo “cat-walk” event where those with tattoos strut their stuff, and marketed this as the next BIG THING. Yet, who knows. Perhaps that is what Joey is planning for this year’s Ink Con. Only time will tell.
If it is you who are considering a tattoo, then be encouraged to know that The Trusted Tattoo Company and mobile Body Art Bus, are one of the most trustworthy and talented tattoo bunch in the industry. A tattoo artist must have more than just a steady hand. They must be an artist and business professional at the same time. This is exactly what you find whenever visiting the Trusted Tattoo Company or mobile Body Art Bus.
Make sure to call The Trusted Tattoo Company and mobile Body Art Bus for your next tattoo. If there are a bunch of you who want tattoos, ask if the mobile Body Art Bus will drive to you. They’re not just stationary. They’re mobile!
Call for details at either (760) 696-3127 or (951) 280-4465 or visit www.trustedtattoo.ink