By Aimee Mosco

We are right now living through a changing of the guard at the end of an era. The uncertainty of the times is like nothing we have ever seen. There is no historical data that mirrors current circumstances, so no one truly knows what will happen next. Many people have had visions of these transitional times throughout history. Their warnings are etched in the stones of ancient cultures, as are the stories of a great awakening followed by the golden age of peace. These stories were passed down through the ages by elders, record keepers, mystics, and those who charted cycles.

While the idea of peace pulls at our heart strings, inner spirit pays no mind to prophecy. The spirit within lives in the moment with the conscious awareness that we are eternal beings and that any version of reality as it unfolds poses only new opportunity for growth. The ego, however, prefers knowing what to expect. This is an uncomfortable space in which to reside right now for the human ego. It is like taking an epic road trip without GPS!

In a curious way, the prophecies that have been handed down at one time or another serve to satisfy the egoic need for certainty, even when the prediction is unfavorable. Prophecies keep attention focused on an event that may or may not happen at some point down the road rather than on whatever unknown is unfolding underneath your feet in the current moment. When you live your life in anticipation of something happening, you cannot give your full attention to the growth opportunities that exist in the here and now.


Predictions, also, are interpretations of information that often come through intuitive channels. Prophecies are not based on fact. When you marry yourself to a prophecy that has come from another person, or another time in history, you lend belief to the idea that someone else holds a greater ability than you to connect with higher truth. While it is true that some people have more developed intuitive sensitivities than others, we actually all have the ability to discern higher truth if we turn our focus inward. Whenever you adopt someone else’s intuitive translation of what is to come without going inward to search for your highest truth, you denounce your divine power and your ego takes the wheel.

Always keep in mind that adopting a prophecy into your belief system mostly feeds your ego’s desire for certainty, not the divine, creative, and adventurous nature of your inner spirit. It does not serve you to put life on hold because you are waiting for something good or bad to happen. It does, however, serve you to stay centered in the current moment, and it honors your divine nature to trust your inner wisdom, and to not allow the pitfalls of prophecy to derail you in any way.

Aimee invites you to join her Telegram community DIVINE PURPOSE Discussions to explore the topic of predictions and prophecies. Go to to be part of these discussions.

Aimee Mosco is an Author, Intuitive Channel, Spiritual Teacher and Co-Founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. Aimee’s desire to help others inspired her first book “Gratitude + Forgiveness x (LOVE) = Happiness”. Aimee serves on advisory committees to global charity organization, World Game-Changers, and local charity, Coachella Valley Horse Rescue. Visit Aimee at