CV Water Counts conservation awards aim to highlight great examples of efficient water-use
By Katie Ruark
CV Water Counts is looking for Coachella Valley residents who have transformed their yards into water-friendly retreats, and businesses—general commercial and hospitality—that have put a water-saving technique or design in place. The spring 2015 CV Water Counts conservation awards will be announced in late April.
Those with yards—big or small, front or back—that showcase beautiful desert plants and materials in lieu of turf should apply. A beautiful yard will be chosen from each of the valley’s five public water agency service areas. There will also be another contest in the fall and one overall Most Beautiful Yard winner for the year. Eligible yards must efficiently use water. Prizes include gift cards to home improvement stores and recognition on CVWaterCounts.com.
Valley businesses are also included. The CVRWMG will recognize a local Commercial Water Saver from each of the valley’s five water agency service areas that have implemented conservation designs or techniques. To be eligible, businesses must have a creative technique or design in place that saves water. Winners will be recognized in advertising, with a plaque and on CVWaterCounts.com.
One Hospitality Water Saver will also be awarded. The qualifications, judging criteria and prizes are the same as the Commercial Water Saver category, but it is specifically open to hotels, golf courses and spas.
Applications and contest information can be found at CVWaterCounts.com and must be submitted by April 17, 2015, by emailing applications to: contest@cvwatercounts.com, or by mailing applications to:
CV Water Counts, 45-025 Manitou Drive, Ste. 13, Indian Wells, CA 92210
CV Water Counts will announce the award winners in late April, with award ceremonies at respective district board meetings. The contest promises to be a fun way to reward those who have taken steps to conserve water, our most precious natural resource. Reducing water use is rewarding, but CVRWMG decided to show off the savings in order to encourage more people and businesses to take steps to save.
CV Water Counts also has a water conservation video contest underway for valley students, with a March 31 deadline. To learn about the requirements, prizes and how to enter, visit CVWaterCounts.com/videocontest.
For more information, or for contest questions, contact Sara Toyoda of Indio Water Authority at 760-625-1815 or stoyoda@indio.org.
About CV Water Counts: CV Water Counts is a collaborative conservation campaign by the Coachella Valley Regional Water Management Group made up of Coachella Valley Water District, Coachella Water Authority, Desert Water Agency, Indio Water Authority and Mission Springs Water District. For more information visit www.CVWaterCounts.com.