Congress is trying to revive the 2018 Reefer Act which is expected to be voted on this week. The Blumenauer-McClintock Amendment formally known as the Blumenauer-Farr Amendment prohibits the U.S. Department of Justice from using federal funds to interfere with state medical marijuana (MMJ) programs, or from prosecuting MMJ businesses compliant with state law. This amendment is attached to spending bills which is why it must be renewed every year. Go to https://norml.org/action-center to send a letter to your congressman asking him/her to support this amendment.
State legalization assumes products in dispensaries are tested for purity free from pesticides mold contaminates and heavy metals. Many states are phasing in the timetable for testing for terpenes. Washington State’s testing is abysmal. They do not test for pesticides in recreational products. California labs are finding toxic metals in vape pens. As testing deadlines roll out many recalls of products are the result. This is a good thing as it means the state is ensuring the purity of your purchase.
Pesticide fail rates in California were 25% in April of 2018. In March of 2019 the fail rate is down to 3%. When the federal government tested California products for purity and potency of marijuana, they found a 20% failure rate. Buyers need to ask for test results. Online stores should have hyperlinks to their testing results. There should never be a difference between the purity of recreational vs medical marijuana.
A question most asked is “What is the difference between hemp and MMJ?” The only difference is the law. Hemp is defined as having only 0.3% of Delta 9 hydrocannabinoid (THC). This is called full spectrum hemp. Broad spectrum hemp has zero THC. Manufacturers are relabeling their products since the 2018 Farm Bill passed. They cannot use Cannabidiol (CBD) on the label. Hemp seed oil CBD is no longer controlled by the Drug Enforcement Agency (FDA) but by the Federal Department of Agriculture (FDA).
CBD is a known anti-anxiety, anti-nausea, anti-seizure, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, neuroprotectant, analgesic that treats autoimmune diseases, neurological diseases like acne and asthma. Testing for broad spectrum CBD will not show in urine testing. For this reason, Sunil Pai M.D. from Sanjevani Integrative Medicine Health and Lifestyle Center treats patients in his clinic with broad spectrum hemp. https://hempvidaplus.com/learn/ Yes, there are many reasons to have a full spectrum marijuana plant with both THC CBD and terpenes but until the laws change, testing positive will get you fired.
Until the federal government changes the banking laws seniors are using the internet as the most convenient way to purchase MMJ. Lanny, from MAPP, always says growing hemp and marijuana should be no more costly or difficult than growing tomatoes. Two companies trying to bring access to medical grade marijuana is True Farma and True Farma CBD.
True Farma is a medical cannabis company focused on providing education and easy access to lab-tested, dose-specific cannabis and full-spectrum, hemp-derived products from carefully screened manufacturers. True Farma is a privately held company that offers a wide variety of health and wellness products for humans and pets via its online stores.
True Farma cannabis products contain THC for delivery within California only to those 21 and older. True Farma has established partnerships with leading cannabis manufacturers and organizations. They are the exclusive California statewide retail distributor of Aunt Zelda’s products. Aunt Zelda was established by Mara Gordon, a pioneer in research and development of cannabis. She lectures around the world on the science of cannabis. Her videos can be easily found on YouTube.
True Farma also partners with Oncology Centers and Hospitals Statewide in California whose advocate model allows sponsoring of educational events for healthcare professionals. Holistic Caring and Radicle Health are consulting organizations partnering with True Farma to provide cannabis education, advocacy, and access to cannabis patients.
True Farma CBD is a national CBD site that provides front-door delivery of the best-of-breed, full-spectrum hemp-derived products to customers over 18 years of age in all 50 states. Find the products you need on these sites. https://truefarma.com/ and https://truefarmacbd.com/ Input this advocate code RuthH20 to receive your 20% discount on your first order.
Ruth Hill consults clients on MMJ hilruth@gmail.com