Anymore it seems there are so many things we need to be Prepared for says Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna. “How do you keep up and prepare with all these life and worldly events?”
September is the 10th Annual National Preparedness Month which means that public safety agencies are busy working on a number of events to ensure that their communities are educated, informed and ready to face any type of crisis situation. “This year’s national theme is ‘Be Your Own Hero,’ says Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna.”
Being prepared for emergencies should be as common as wearing your seatbelt, and yet nearly every emergency preparedness survey conducted over the past 10 years indicates that 40-80% of people are unprepared to face certain hazards says Chief DiGiovanna. Start out with the basics: Food, water, disaster supplies are a great start for home preparedness which is what the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends. The next step is for school preparedness and following that is preparedness at work.
Another good way to start is develop a family and neighbor network. Then community and your co-workers. Though a lot to cover, it can be a fun and easy thing to do when you do it as a team, which is exactly what you will need during a disaster, Teamwork!
You can also contact your local fire department, community emergency services department or visit: http://www.cdc.gov/Features/BeReady/ to get you started!
Contact your local Police or Fire Department for Preparedness information. Come on, let’s get prepared!
Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna