At the beginning of each year, millions of people all across the country are preparing themselves for the start of a new year. It has been the case for years, Americans use the new year as an opportunity to start fresh. Millions of New Year’s Resolutions are set with the hopes of improving someone’s life.
It’s important to ask Yourself Why.
Everyone has their reasons for setting goals at the beginning of the year. They may be for personal reasons or even health issues. It’s important to ask yourself Why is this New Year’s Resolution so important to you? What motivates you to take this massive leap to make a change in your life? Once you find the reason that drives you, you will have a better mindset to complete your goals.
Set Specific and Reasonable Goals.
Be specific about what you want to do. Don’t just say you want to lose weight or set a new bench press PR. Say, “I want to lose 10 pounds this year,” or “I want to add 15 pounds to my bench press.”
This gives you a set goal to work towards.
Write Down Your Resolutions.
Once you have set a specific and reasonable goal for yourself, write it down and post it somewhere where you will see it every day.
Establish a Set Schedule.
Another important aspect of sticking to your New Year’s Resolutions is creating a set workout schedule. That’s why it’s so incredibly helpful to have someone like a personal trainer who keeps you accountable. If possible, find a fitness professional who will help you to workout at the same time and the same place every day. This will help you establish a routine while also helping you form strong habits.
Here is a list of just 10 benefits that come along with having a personal trainer:
- They perfect your form
- They help you set realistic goals
- They hold you accountable
- No wasted time = Maximum Results
- They improve your mental health
- Help you form good habits
- Personalized training plan
- They work around your schedule
- Increased flexibility for location
- They challenge you
Chances are at some point in your life you’ve made a New Year’s resolution and then broke it. It’s okay to admit it; you’re not alone. It’s great to be enthusiastic about the New Year, thinking ahead of how you’d like to see the year play out – thinking about how you will set new fitness goals and have your healthiest year yet.
We are bringing Fitness to our clients, with convenient, customized, and creative workouts tailored for every single person. We would love to help you reach your best version of yourself in 2024!
To become a client or to have a Free Fitness Assessment call (760)880-9904 or visit www.cvsendmeatrainer.com.