People trampling over each other for cheap goods merely hours after celebrating what they are already thankful for. Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving when holiday gift buying begins.  It’s more like Hell if you’re in retail. Unfortunately, Black Friday is a day when many shoppers become victims of crimes and injuries says Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna.”

Be alert of people and surroundings.  Other motorist and pedestrians will be distracted.  Park near lighted areas.  Keep your purse close at all times. Keep wallets in your front pocket.  Carrying too many bags is dangerous.  If possible, leave children at home.  If you must bring a child, it is important to hold onto small children to avoid separation.  Know where fire/emergency exits are in stores and malls.  If you’re sick, do us “all” a favor and stay home!  Bring hand sanitizers to help combat germs.  Put away the cell phone and be considerate of others.  “Most importantly, be patient reminds Chief DiGiovanna…”

Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna