By Janet McAfee
This year the crisis of stray dogs and cats is worse than 2023 as 2024 comes to a close. Some are loved pets who escape from their homes. Many others are discarded by humans who no longer want them or who cannot afford to take care of them due to the economy or housing crisis. Private rescues and public shelters struggle to keep up with intakes as kennel space is limited. The shortage of veterinarians and the lack of affordable spay & neuter services adds to the overpopulation. MORE FOSTER HOMES ARE NEEDED TO HELP SAVE LIVES.
On June 6, 2024, a Good Samaritan found two small Shepherd puppies roaming in a field in rural Mecca. After doing some research he brought them to Loving All Animals private shelter where their kennels were at full capacity. An emergency email plea obtained a foster and the sisters were safe. Blossom and Cupcake were vetted and proved to be happy healthy puppies who entertained people with their playful puppy antics.
However, a month later the foster was no longer able to keep them, and they were returned to LAA’s shelter. During the day they happily played in the outside yard and were kenneled indoors overnight. Cupcake caught the eye of a volunteer named David and he became what’s fondly known as a “foster failure”. However, the months passed and there was no adoption interest in Blossom.
The pups appear to be part German Shepherd, though they will be only medium size full grown. A visit this week to our public Riverside County shelter in Thousand Palms revealed rows of kennels with beautiful German Shepherds and Shepherd mixes.
It is suspected that several illegal Shepherd breeders operate in the Coachella Valley. The German Shepherd rescue groups are overwhelmed and there are more animals than available homes. Some Coachella Valley residents seek to adopt small dogs who can travel by airplane on trips and to second homes. Senior residents tend to prefer small dogs. Medium and large size dogs face the additional challenge of landlord and HOA size restrictions.
Blossom is now 6-mo-old. Her hobbies are playing in the water hose and taking a dip in the wading pool. She is extremely smart and learned how to turn on the front yard facet to entertain herself. Blossom also knows how to open the back yard door so she can happily hang out with the staff and volunteers. An active pup, she needs a home with a yard and lots of attention inside with her future family.
Loving All Animals contracts with expert dog trainer Valerie Masi (Best Paw Forward) part time. Blossom has attended some of her behavior training classes. Adopters can utilize Valeri’s private assistance and classes at no extra cost to ensure a successful match.
Check out Loving All Animals website at www.lovingallanimals.org