By Tiar’a Literary & Illustration
Email us: tiarapublications@gmail.com
Modern life has become filled with deadlines, speed, speed – and more speed! It’s a travesty. Before we know it, a day, a week, a month, an entire year has drifted right by us, and many have had little time to relax, de-stress, and create worthwhile memories with loved ones.
It is bothersome to have to dive in at the deep end and begin with a less than positive article opener. However, to walk safely ashore, often one must swim through tumultuous waters to get there.
To combat the modern daily grind, culture has witnessed a rising tide of various “relaxation-based” pastimes. The powers-that-be proclaim that these assist the stressed and manic to unwind and become “enlightened”. Yet, to engage in such pastimes still requires payment, travel to-and-fro, which adds more time spent driving, more money spent on gas, and takes away time from creating shared memories. In short, are these supposed relaxation pastimes (that cost) outside of the home really that relaxing after all?
If you live anywhere within the Coachella Valley, you are never too far from nature – even though some [those who are caught in the rat-race], never get the opportunity to get outside and enjoy it. Imagine that. Nature on your doorstep, yet so caught up in work, and the world of social media that you never get out and experience true beauty.
As “truly enlightening” as our valley nature can be, with warming spring weather, and summer hot on its heels, our nature may not always be the most enjoyable of pastimes. Heat inevitably lures out desert critters from winter hibernations, and one strike from a rattler while hiking in the great outdoors may be all it takes to land a decisive blow to one’s existence. Wouldn’t it be safer to experience natural beauty in our contained outdoor natures? Our backyards.
During springtime, ideas about construction and design are aplenty for most home dwellers. If someone is working a hectic Monday to Friday, nine to five, perhaps the backyard is the only “safe” haven in which to switch-off and truly relax. It doesn’t take money, don’t take fame, don’t need no credit card … nor a drive to an over-crowded gym, hypnosis studio, and it’s not the great outdoors where if temperatures soar and you’re caught without hydration, there is no escape. If you’re in a backyard and it gets too hot, you simply walk into the house and cool off. Or …
The backyard is an extraordinary accentuation of a home. Here in the Coachella Valley, backyards are as prevalent as concerts at the new Acrisure Arena, and fortunately home builders choose to construct them with plentiful wide-open spaces.
One element that our paradisical valley doesn’t see much of during the warmer months is water. Sadly, our lush blue skies remain so with but-a-hint of clouds for at least eight full months of the year. Water, as the vast majority well know, is extremely soothing to the senses. While a dip in a warm shower before work is enough to stimulate the vagus nerve, rouse the senses, and sharpen the mind; diving, swimming, and relaxing in a finely crafted swimming pool is enough to drown away every troubling work hour frustration – guaranteed.
LUXURY POOL CONSTRUCTION & DESIGN has been “Taming the Tides” of Coachella Valley residents’ by constructing the most lavish swimming pools our valley has to offer. If you, or someone you know have been contemplating about that dream pool in your yard – a place to get away and recharge, get in touch with Luxury Pool Construction & Design 442-400-3070.
TIAR’A LITERARY & ILLUSTRATION is a premier content creation, marketing, and public relations company producing works for individuals and businesses worldwide. Email: tiarapublications@gmail.com