It’s National Preparedness Month, a time when communities, emergency responders, businesses, and families come together to make sure they are prepared for the next disaster. This year’s theme is “Be Disaster Aware, Take Action to Prepare” says Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna. Out guard is down and now is the time to prepare!

The national Ready campaign has established four universal building blocks of emergency preparedness and provides resources and tools to help with each. These building blocks are: Be Informed, Make a Plan, Build a Kit, and Get Involved. Find more from the Ready campaign at

Use the month of September to help prepare so you are ready when the next disaster strikes. The weekly themes are as follows:

Week 1 – How To… Reconnect with family after a disaster.


Week 2 – Know How To… Plan for specific needs before a Disaster.

Week 3 – How to… Build an emergency kit.

Weeks 4 & 5 – How to… Practice for an emergency.

Find resources for conducting community outreach from the National Preparedness Community or contact your local fire department.

Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna and the California State Firefighters Association