By Bronwyn Ison
How often do you tell yourself you have done a great job? Do you acknowledge your accomplishments? Research tells us, we are more likely to recognize what we did wrong than what we did right. We dwell more on our negative experiences than our positive. The brain also will center on a negative thought longer than a positive one. Thus negative thoughts can debilitate your day. Snap out of it! It is time to celebrate even the most minute of victories.
Most of us have goals. When we initialize a thought, our idea may seem vexing. Our brain begins to process the idea and you may commence to think the dream is too ambitious. Step back and remember no thought or dream is too grandiose. You may feel overwhelmed about the challenge. Relax and know there will be a process involved. As you work toward your resolution it is important to celebrate the small victories along the way. Each hurdle you surmount, each bit of turbulence along the way or any type of set back, all are lessons learned. Your patience will be tried and tested. Keep in mind the journey is equally as important as your accomplishment.
As obstacles appear in reaching your goal, remain mindful of how successful you have been in your past. Don’t lose sight of your past victories. You have achieved greatness and sustaining this mind-set will render you motivated. We all have witnessed ups and downs in life. When you have faltered you simply got up and dusted yourself off. Continue reminding yourself of tangible rewards.
Do not waste time on naysayers. Eliminate anyone or any form of negativity from your life. The naysayers will be detrimental. Jealousy will spark from those who wish they could do what you are about to achieve. These people are not here for you now and will not be there when you achieve the big dream. Release them and you will be liberated.
You can stay on task by making a list each day of what you are appreciative of in your life. Each day provides numerous opportunities. Be grateful for the opportunities. Cultivate gratitude. Celebrate any and all of the simple things in life.
As a realist, I know not each day will bring you perfection. Take time to meditate on your goals and aspirations. Surround yourself with friends and family who support your endeavors. If times get rough, don’t be your own worst critic. Talk yourself out of the negativity and revisit your large and small victories.
You can and will do anything you set you mind to. Be victorious in everything you do. Celebrate your small victories with a positive perspective.
Bronwyn Ison is the owner of Evolve Yoga. www.e-volveyoga.com 760.564.YOGA
50-991 Washington Street, La Quinta