By Bronwyn Ison
Change is the only constant in life. We know this as truth. Often we yearn for change while others loathe the thought. Change can be exhilarating. Others may resist and fight change. Have you thought maintaining an open mind and heart may lead to prosperous conditions? Resisting a shift in your life may be harmful as you might be self-deprecating. It seems to me just when everything appears perfect in our lives is a shift occurs. But, change is growth and in order to gain, in any way, you must reconcile! Good, bad, or indifferent, evolution commences.
Most of us are anxious about a metamorphosis. The journey ahead may be intimidating. Hold on and pay attention, a valuable lesson is on its way. Try these five calming practices to ease your mind. Slow down When you are focused on what the future holds you begin to lose sight of the journey. Do not miss this golden opportunity to listen to the message being conveyed. There is a lesson to be learned in all you do. Get centered Yoga can especially bring you back to the ground directly beneath your feet. Similarly, meditation, a long walk, or other centering activities can bring you clarity and perspective. Stay here Do your best to stay in the moment. Looking ahead at what things might be or living in the past of what should have been will only suffocate or debilitate you mentally. Be a realist and move forward. Just watch Sit back and be a spectator. When our minds wander it is best to stay quiet and WATCH what is happening around us. You will be amazed how quickly the anxiety will dissipate. Breathe As an over-stressed society we’re constantly holding our breath. Mediate or pray. Sit quietly, and listen to your own breath. Yoga is a discipline that’s main focus is about the breath. When we restrict our breath other parts of our body shut down.
I encourage you to affect one positive change in the coming weeks. Start with something simple. Vary your route to work or order a different flavored coffee drink. Remake your exercise regimen, eating habits, begin reading a book, or watch a new television program. Go for a hike or try a new food. If you were to do this every week just think of all the variety you would be incorporating in your life. Plus, you would be embarking on an incredible journey of new experiences. Although we are not in control, you make your own decisions and trying something new is always fun. Relish in the changes ahead rather than fearing what’s around the corner.
Bronwyn Ison is the Owner of Evolve Yoga. www.e-volveyoga.com