By Noe Gutierrez
He is 17 years old performing his own original hip-hop music. He is 17 years old and has a knack for melody, rhyme and rhythm. Ckyle (aka Ckeelay, his stage name) Pina, is 17 years old and performed live for the first time in August as he and his collaborator Yo$hwa, aka Josh, opened the ‘Desert Music Friends Believing for Desi’ event at Schmidy’s Tavern. Did I mention that he is 17 years old and completing his senior year at Palm Desert High School? Ckyle is creating new music that incorporates rap and hip-hop with a twist of soul singing. “I started learning about production when I was 11. When I was 14 I received my first microphone, piano and guitar. When I turned 15 I began to really understand how to engineer the music I made and create clear sounding music.” His music has recently caught the ear of many local music aficionados. Ckyle, pronounced ‘kile’, first dazzled his family with his talent.
“I get all my inspiration from my mom, brother and sisters because they teach me what it’s like to experience what they’ve been through. They share with me their regrets and accomplishments. My family influences my music.” Ckyle’s mother Perla Ray, a local Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, has been his greatest influence. “My mom brings out the innocence. When I mention her name it’s like “what would my momma think?” Ckyle also has mature older siblings to model after. “My sisters Jaque and Jody have taught me how to think outside the box and be different, to express myself no matter what. My brother Christopher helped me start rapping. He drives me to want to out-do everyone else and be the best.” Ckyle is on his way to becoming one of the best. His family and their moral support are what allows him to continue to blossom.
Ray has no problem reveling in her son’s accomplishments. “I am so proud and amazed at the passion my son has for music. Not only does he rap, he can play classical music on the piano and guitar.” Ray admits to no significant musical lineage to attribute her son’s skillfulness. “I seriously ask myself, ‘where did his gift come from?’” Ckyle is self-taught. He is the producer, engineer and mixer for all of his music. Ray has advocated for her son from the time he showed an interest in music. “I truly am his #1 fan and am proud to say I am his mother. I don’t even mind the cursing at times, as I understand that sometimes an “F” bomb is the only way to express an emotion.” This recognition Ray has for her son’s passion is what has allowed Ckyle to mature well beyond his years.
Ckyle has witnessed a lot in his 17 years. His mother is impressed but not startled with the subject matter of his music. “I am amazed with the themes he writes about; alcohol and drug abuse, heartbreak and the need for someone to listen to a person with compassion. Most 17 year olds are focused on parties and relationships. He spends countless hours working on his music.” Ckyle has placed a tremendous amount of effort in learning and progressing in his craft. “I love the melodies we are able to create. I also started receiving singing lessons about a year ago from Boca, my vocal and songwriting coach at In The Muse.” In The Muse is a music and arts educational hub in Palm Springs. “She has influenced the new songs and encourages me to be a great singer.”
I have known Ckyle since he was a toddler and was able to see him perform that night at Schmidy’s Tavern. He was enthusiastic and charismatic. Ckyle is a desert rat and is rooted in the Coachella Valley. “I’ve lived in different areas in the Coachella Valley but my family kept me out of trouble. I played tons of video games, loved cartoons, went to a bunch of different concerts with my sisters, was always involved in music activities, and played soccer for 7 years.”
Ckyle is also involved in the hip-hop group Aero Mystic along with Josh. Ckyle is quickly developing a mix of genres that works. “I love that rap doesn’t have to follow a structure or a set of rules, I can do anything with my words and I love that if I can push myself to go beyond the limits and write some sort of amazing storyline with a set of songs.” He also has inherited the giving and helping nature of his mother. “I think the next step is to take our music to a new place and have it not just benefit us and our emotions and expressions, but somehow help others. I know people can learn lessons from our experiences. Everyone has their own journey and I hope what I say in my music will impact someone positively. If I can make change with a verse or influence someone and feel like I could write something with meaning then I feel like I’ve made a difference in the world. I’d like to do more with rap and music in general.”
Ckyle is making a difference and doing more in the desert music scene. “I want to be successful with my music. I want to be a new person. I want to be on tour. I want to meet my idols. There’s so much to do. I even want to be in college and be healthy. I’ll be happy as long as I reach at least one of these goals throughout the years.” It’s safe to say that given Ckyle’s drive, he will achieve at least one of these goals.
Listen to:
‘Human Nature’
‘Blue Garments’
Here are the links:
Contact info:
Find them on twitter:
@dayoshwa @ckeelay
@dayoshwa @elykckyle
Email Ckyle at:
Photos by Miles and Monroe Productions