The Color Vibe, a “VIBErantly” colorful 5k fun run company, is teaming up with F.I.N.D. Food Bank to bring the Color Vibe 5K to Coachella Valley! The 5K, full of vivid colors, music, and tons of fun on Saturday, January 31, 2015 will be held at Lake Cahuilla Park.
The Color Vibe is a unique 5k fun run series that is gaining popularity throughout North America and Australia. Along the course, participants run, walk, or dance their way through color stations, where vibrant colors tie-dye their white outfits and costumes. When it is over, everyone is invited to stick around for a large colorful dance party hosted by a professional sound crew and DJ. As the website states, “You are the canvas, and when you’re finished with this 5k run you’ll be an exciting and vivid masterpiece.”
The Color Vibe encourages runners and walkers of all ages and skill levels to participate. According to Taylor Spencer, Color Vibe Race Director, “The Color Vibe 5k is full of inspirational stories of runners and non-runners alike coming together to share a life experience, accomplish fitness goals, and become rainbow junkies. We do not time our 5k fun runs so every participant feels welcome to take their time having a blast and getting colored throughout the course, without any pressure.” For a limited time only, Children 12 and under can participate for free.
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the local charity, F.I.N.D. Food Bank, “We are excited to be able to work with such great charities. They are able to help us to give back to the community and create lasting memories with the locals.” Spencer says.
To make this event unique, the Color Vibe uses a cornstarch-based colored powder to tie-dye participants. The colored powder is made in the USA and is made from food grade quality cornstarch using an advanced manufacturing process that has been custom developed for the Color Vibe Race Series. It is non-toxic, 100% safe, and biodegradable. It also washes out easily from skin and hair.
The Color Vibe offers special discounts to businesses looking to tap into their health and wellness plans. For more information on the Color Vibe event, registration, and wellness programs go to the company’s website: www.thecolorvibe.com or send an email to support@thecolorvibe.com. Local businesses are are also encouraged to get involved in the event as vendors/sponsors and can contact erica@thecolorvibe.com if interested!