By Aimee Mosco
It is hard to deny that crystals are intriguing. Even if you have not been drawn to them for their metaphysical properties, you have probably had an attraction to a rock, a mineral specimen, or a crystal at some point in your life. If you are sensitive, you may have even been drawn to a crystal because the vibration it emits felt good to you. The subtle vibrations that emanate from crystals may not always trigger a reaction from your physical senses, but your energy receptors, such as your chakras and your meridians, as well as the outer layers of your energy field will typically respond to their influence.
Clearly, many crystals are aesthetically beautiful, but their true value to you and your inner spirit lies in their ability to capture, store, transmit, and amplify energy. They are libraries, receivers, transmitters, and generators for energy communications that support the well-being of all sentient beings on this planet, including you!
The physical body cannot live without exposure to certain minerals. The minerals that you must ingest or absorb to maintain health, carry information to your cells. When your cells receive the transmission, they integrate the applicable information you need to regenerate, restore, or grow. The same holds true for the non-physical layers of the energy field. Crystals deliver energetic communications that repair and support the function of your auric field.
Crystals serve as one of Earth’s energetic categorization mechanisms. Minerals store the energy from all living beings once they perish. When a person, animal, insect, or plant is alive and having an embodied experience, the cells within the body are gathering and storing information. When the body expires, all that was captured in the cells goes back to the Earth. Once the Earth absorbs the energies, they sort themselves by finding their way back to the mineral libraries that store information with similar vibrational signatures. The Earth library is so expansive, in part, because each living being effectively contributes something of great value to it when they pass. Through the mineral kingdom, these contributions are ultimately repurposed and utilized to sustain the wellness of future living beings.
So, the next time a crystal or a rock catches your attention, know that it harbors the wisdom and experience energy of other beings who lived before you. Unless you know it to be toxic to your body, invite the specimen to convey communications to you, receive what benefits you, and give thanks for what you receive. Even if you do not understand what it has delivered to you, trust that your inner spirit has guided you to the energetic information contained within it for a very good reason.
Aimee invites you to join her Telegram community DIVINE PURPOSE Discussions to explore the topic of crystals. Go to https://t.me/+8XQ9bgCiF0A2YzIx to be part of these discussions.
Aimee Mosco is an Author, Intuitive Channel, Spiritual Teacher and Co-Founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. Aimee’s desire to help others inspired her first book “Gratitude + Forgiveness x (LOVE) = Happiness”. Aimee serves on advisory committees to global charity organization, World Game-Changers, and local charity, Coachella Valley Horse Rescue. Visit Aimee at www.ihsunity.com