By Sunny Simon
The bumper sticker I encountered this morning had a sobering effect on me. The quote, “A year from now you may wish you had started today,” is an effective wake-up call for procrastinators. Looking back through the years, I clearly remember a time in my life when I sabotaged my success by putting things off. I overcame the procrastination syndrome after graduating from college. Numerous nights spent pouring over textbooks in last minute preparation for exams cured me. I never want to experience that kind of desperation again. In fact, I still have frequent dreams where I find myself sitting in my dorm room drinking coffee at 3:00 am as I frantically review my lecture notes worrying I’ll never get a passing grade.
Having cured that negative habit, I successfully coach clients on making behavioral changes leading to increased productivity. Why do people procrastinate? There are multiple reasons ranging from fear of failure, or poor time management skills to mistakenly believing you work better under pressure. Sometimes the problem is just plain boredom as in the case of a geology course I was once forced to take.
Whatever the reason, the good news is procrastination is a behavior, and one that can be changed. If you fall into the category of continual task avoidance, read on. Procrastination can elicit a huge price tag in terms of physical ailments. Recent evidence found procrastinating college students contracted more flu, colds and gastrointestinal problems than those who planned ahead. Procrastination also results in stress, anxiety and nagging guilt.
To change your behavior, start by becoming a master scheduler. Begin with your “to do” list. As soon as a task, like a term paper or important financial report is assigned, relegate it to the master list. Next, schedule it on your calendar. Break the task into smaller parts setting deadlines for each segment. I highly recommend tying the dreaded task to reward. If you’ve spent the morning doing research for your paper, treat yourself to a special lunch.
I always remind myself of the mantra, “beginning is halfway there,” or as Aristotle put it: “Well begun is half done.” Making some immediate progress even a minimal start diminishes the dread procrastinators experience. If you are still dragging your feet, remind yourself of the consequences of waiting until the 11th hour.
Gain confidence by starting today. Think of one project you’ve been putting off, perhaps it’s getting your tax documents in order. Set a timer and dedicate one solid hour to the job. When the bell goes off you will be inspired to kick the habit.
Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching. More about Sunny at www.raisethebarhigh.com