Oct.18 Run Starts 8:30 a.m. at Palm Springs Harley Davidson
For the third consecutive year, Desert Riders Association, the Coachella Valley-based motorcycle group that raises funds for charitable causes, will kick off the Alzheimer’s Association seasonal fundraising efforts with the annual Ride to End Alzheimer’s on Saturday, Oct. 18.
The event starts with registration at 8:30 a.m. at Palm Springs Harley Davidson, 19465 North Indian Canyon. Cost is $25 per biker to join and includes the RTEA 2014 T-shirt, lunch and a raffle ticket for $500 in cash prizes. There are a limited number of spots for those without their own motorcycle to ride tandem on the back of a bike for $50, including lunch, a purple Walk to End Alzheimer’s T-shirt, and the raffle ticket.
The run departure is at 9:30 a.m. and two groups will visit local senior living facilities in Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, La Quinta and Indio. The groups meet up at Atria Hacienda Senior Living in Palm Desert, which is hosting the lunch. Riders visit with the residents at all the facilities and show their motorcycles as part of an interactive social event.
“Last year the biggest surprise was the beautiful exchanges between bikers and residents,” said Ken Fort, DRA member and Ride to End Alzheimer’s coordinator. “For me, this is about the residents. We want to bring some small amount of excitement and joy to them. Everything else is minor, even the money we generate. Everyone is invited to participate: All bikes, anyone who wants to ride on the back of a bike, even people in cars are invited.”
After lunch and visits with residents at Atria Hacienda, bikers will depart as one large group to ride along Highway 111 to the Palm Springs American Legion at 400 N. Belardo for a celebration. The public is welcome to attend the Ride to End Alzheimer’s Party from 2 to 5 p.m. with raffle drawings, auction prizes, and music entertainment. Food and drinks are available for purchase.
Motorcyclists will be visiting Windsor Court and Emeritus in Palm Springs; Mission Hills Senior Living, Mirage Inn, Vista Cove, and Emeritus in Rancho Mirage; Atria Hacienda in Palm Desert; Desert Cove in Indio, and Caleo Bay in La Quinta.
The DRA puts on a several rides and events throughout the year with the intent of raising awareness of motorcyclists and funds for charitable organizations. This is a third-party event of which the Alzheimer’s Association, Coachella Valley Regional Service Center, is the recipient.
For more information about The Ride to End Alzheimer’s, contact Ken Fort at 760-275-1379 or visit www.desertridersassociation.org. Click on the calendar and then on Oct. 18 event.
“We are thrilled that the Desert Riders Association has stepped up once again to dedicate a Ride to End Alzheimer’s,” said Anne Gimbel, Coachella Valley Regional Director for the Alzheimer’s Association California Southland Chapter. “This event brought a whole new level of awareness and involvement from other members of our local community last year. The bikers’ interaction with residents at our sponsoring facilities became some of their most cherished memories. And residents have been looking forward to this year’s Ride.”
The ride serves to launch the 2015 Walk to End Alzheimer’s campaign. The 16th annual Walk is March 7, 2015 at the Palm Desert Civic Center Park.
For other sponsorship opportunities or more information, contact the Alzheimer’s Association, (800) 272-3900.
About the Alzheimer’s Association, California Southland Chapter
The Alzheimer’s Association is the first and largest voluntary health organization dedicated to Alzheimer’s research and support. Its mission is to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health.
As part of its ongoing commitment to the Coachella Valley, the Alzheimer’s Association, California Southland Chapter is a collaborative partner with Eisenhower Medical Center and USC Keck School of Medicine in offering the Memory Assessment Center (MAC) as a resource to the community. The Chapter provides Care Consultation: An assessment of needs, family assistance, and long-range planning.
Additionally, the Alzheimer’s Association offers support groups for caregivers, a 24-hour Helpline, education programs for healthcare providers and the public; it also promotes advocacy and funds promising research programs nationwide.
With an estimated 11,000 plus families in the Coachella Valley, and a projected increase to more than 27,000 over the next 20 years, the Alzheimer’s Association brings help and hope to those facing the challenges of Alzheimer’s each day. Visit www.alz.org/socal.
The Coachella Valley Regional Service Center is located at 69-730 Highway 111, Suite 100, Rancho Mirage. Local phone number is (760) 328-6767.