Auditions are Monday July 28, 2014 from 6-9pm the Arthur Newman Theatre, Palm Desert.
Applicants must register before auditioning. (if you have already registered, through the season audition form – do nothing and show up Monday 7/28/14 at 6pm)
TO REGISTER, VISIT: http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07e9jretezhxexk2ru/start OR VISIT www.dtworks.org and click the audition registration link.
Please arrive promptly at 6pm (Monday July 28 6-9pm) and be prepared to stay the entire time. You will NOT be sent a confirmation, perusal script or audition packet. Please do not email DTW requesting these items or any special consideration. You will be taught music and dance combinations at your audition. No need to prepare a song. Sides will also be provided to you at auditions. Wear comfortable clothing for dancing. Please email info@dtworks.org if you have questions.
To save their convent from financial ruin, the Little Sisters of Hoboken have “One Last Hope” to raise the money and properly bury their accidentally poisoned sisters. What will they do? Why throw a fundraiser, of course. From writing greeting cards to producing a variety show, the nuns’ ingenuity shines as they frantically garner the cash. With new songs, new dance numbers and most important MORE NUNS, including Sister Julia Child of God, expect an evening of toe-tapping, mega-musical fun!
Performs March 6,7,13,14 at 7pm and March 7,8,14,15 at 2pm.
Sister Mary Regina, Mother Superior (F 50-70) A feisty, overweight (optional) Sophie Tucker -type who can’t resist the spotlight. Strong comedienne
Sister Mary Hubert, Mistress of Novices (F 40-65) Sister Mary Hubert, Mistress of Novices
Sister Robert Anne (F 35-50) A streetwise character from a tough neighborhood. A constant source of (friendly) aggravation for the Mother Superior. Desperate for a starring role.
Sister Mary Amnesia (F 30-60) This nun lost her memory after a crucifix fell on her head. She is very sweet and funny (and perhaps a sandwich short of a picnic!).
Sister Mary Leo, (F 20-30) The novice She entered the convent with the firm desire to become the first nun ballerina. Must perform ballet (preferably on pointe)
Sister Julia Child of God (M or F 20-80) Sister responsible for poisoning a few of the Nuns with her “cooking”
Female Ensemble: additional Nuns
Male Ensemble (adult) Priests, additional Nuns
Don’t forget! A limited number of $19 tickets for SEMINAR and NOISES OFF are still on sale until July 19th. No code or coupon needed. Purchase at www.dtworks.org or call (760)980-1455.