By Bronwyn Ison

Everywhere I turn I hear of Mercury retrograde of late. Whether you believe in astrology or not you may find this article interesting from several perspectives. As though our lives are not challenging enough, Mercury executes a backspin on us. One can feel these effects as early as two weeks prior to the full retrograde and a few days post. Hence, spinning our worlds out-of-control.

According to The Astrology Zone, the planet Mercury governs all transportation and communication issues. Industries influenced by Mercury are sales, writing, public relations, advertising, publishing, post office and express mail plus any transportation industry. While other planets do go into retrograde, Mercury seems to be the one planet that impacts us the most. The planet does not literally back spin or go in reverse. Mercury hangs out by the sun, but from the Earth, appears to be moving in reverse. During these periods of time our lives can become obfuscated. The 2013 dates for Mercury retrograde are: February 23-March 17 ~ June 26-July 20 ~ October 21-November 10. If you reflect on the aforementioned dates you may recognize life was coming at you fast. Mercury retrograde may be the culprit.

One may wonder why you felt a bit out of sorts for a couple of days. I did not consider Mercury retrograde to have any effects upon me. Yet, as one begins to ponder the immediate situations and circumstances of one’s feelings and thought it is quite possible Mercury was involved. You may have noticed you felt confused. Possibly others are confused around you. Confrontations with others may have occurred. Or, you have been on the brink of tears for reason unbeknownst to you.


It is suggested one should not make major decisions during these dates. Signing contracts, getting married, breaking off a relationship, purchasing large items are all major decisions to be avoided. Machinery is to be handled with extra care during this time. Backing up your computer is highly recommended. Or, you may recognize home appliances or other electronic equipment malfunctioned. You may notice that a certain project has taken longer to accomplish. Continue practicing patience. Check everything twice. Appointments or airline tickets may be cancelled or postponed.

You may recognize you will experience some major breakthroughs. Consider the breakthroughs to be positive. They could be professional or personal. Mercury retrograde may be exactly what you needed to get to the next chapter in your life.

By all means do not fret. You may not believe any of this to be true or to have any effects. Whatever your beliefs, take each experience in stride and learn from what you have been dealt.

Bronwyn Ison, Owner of Evolve Yoga. (760) 564-YOGA (9642)