By Bronwyn Ison

Ahhh, if I was cognizant of my overriding passion then all the stars would align and my life will be perfect. Have you often wondered if you followed your childhood dream where you might be today? Finding your passion may extend far deeper than just a thought and this will require action. Your passion may be more than a childhood dream. Perhaps you do not know what you are passionate about. Often we are searching for our motivation the wrong way.

How do I discover my passion? Well you could spend an uber alles amount of time thinking about what you are passionate about and not make a connection. One must dig deep and think beyond thought. Your passion lives in your heart! Feeling your way to the truth will ignite the flame. Once the fire is lit you can commence to living passionately.

You may love to cook. Becoming a renowned chef may not be the ultimate goal but becoming darn good may be inspiring. You may enjoy cooking to the extent that you start a small business. Who knows, your passion could become the next greatest chocolate chip cookies, EVER! Therefore transforming your passion into a business is completely obtainable.


Here is a little secret. Bring passion to everything you do. No matter what the task, do it with conviction. Bring awareness, energy and enthusiasm to each project you attempt. You will be surprised how your attitude to life can change simply by giving everything your best shot! Being fully present allows you to stay engaged. Let’s face it passion is contagious. When you see co-workers or friends fired up, you can feed off this charge. The pieces of your passion puzzle can connect.

Plus, when you are passionate nothing can impede you. You are confident. You avoid procrastination. Complaining and resistance is kicked to the curb. People will notice what you are doing and seek a little of that passion juice. Give them something to talk about.

Here are steps to help you discover your passion. Yet, let your heart lead and your mind will follow.
Love Everything You Do. Strengthen your passion muscles by loving all you do. Stop complaining and be enthusiastic about what you are doing. Successful people do not fall victim to their own circumstances. You must realize you have the ultimate power in any circumstance to shift in the right direction.
Study What Interests You. Read about the craft you are pursuing. Check in with your body and heart, not your head. How do you feel? Excited, fearful, or apprehensive? These are natural feelings and all good signs to continue moving forward. Remember your heart and physical body can possess more wisdom than your mind.
What Do You Like? While you may enjoy numerous careers or hobbies finding ONE will be key. You can inject your passion into a current career. Or, discovering your passion may lead you down a new path.
Stop Talking, Start Doing. Embark on your journey of passion by simply doing. Stay driven and committed.

Allow the fire in your belly to ignite. Let it shine and be the greatest light you project. Smile, live and laugh! Go for it!

Bronwyn Ison, Owner of Evolve Yoga ~ 50-991 Washington Street, LQ
(760) 564-YOGA (9642)