By Sunny Simon
One of my favorite clients is someone I categorize as a superstar. It’s easy to describe her secret to success. She pushes through her fear. Upon setting a goal this young professional pursues it with careful thought and with great gusto. She is a small business owner with a large vision. Although I am certain this smart lady has a high IQ, she knows she cannot do it all and taps into the appropriate mentors and experts to help her reach the goal line.
I met Dominique several years ago at a business women’s group. She just completed a major relocation across the country. Despite the transition phase she seemed so grounded. Her strategy is forward thinking. Dom researched the group months before her move and began making inroads to members online. Upon landing in the Coachella Valley she already had a network of friends and potential clients for her business.
If no one has ever labeled you a superstar (except your mother), you can earn that title by making a few changes. Begin by pulling out your annual goals for a quick review. Are your objectives large enough to force you out of your comfort zone?
Now, test your vision. If you are preparing for your next career move, spend a moment looking beyond the target. What will you strive for once you achieve that goal? You can enlarge your vision by challenging yourself to push the boundaries. For example, if you are vying for a move into management as a first-line supervisor, the next logical step would be managing a larger staff. Now that you defined the next position, map out what you need to do to get there.
So stop veering away from risk. Want that promotion? Ask for it! The worst thing that could happen is getting a firm no. Rebound from the negative answer by asking what actions need to be addressed to reach the next level. Knowing what to do puts you one step closer to your goal.
Reaching super-star status means putting yourself out there. People like Dominique subscribe to Woody Allen’s philosophy. “Eighty percent of success is just showing up.” Anyone who knows my client will agree, she always shows up, stays in the moment and adds value.
Life really begins when you step outside your comfort zone. Keep pushing those boundaries and you will succeed. Herb Kelleher, former CEO of Southwest Airlines put it this way: “We have an action plan, it’s called doing things.”
Challenge yourself to action. Superstardom is within your reach. Just keep showing up and reaching for the stars.
Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching. More about Sunny at www.raisethebarhigh.com