I know it’s Cinco de Mayo May 5th, but too much alcohol makes you look and act foolish, and it’s also a factor in aggressive and unwanted behavior. Be the bigger hombre and just “let it go” if you have an unpleasant encounter with someone who may be under the influence of insecurity, alcohol or both. It’s not worth the confrontation.
Amigo, take a mule or a taxi, but don’t drink and drive! Unfortunately, too often the party ends with alcohol-related crashes, injuries and fatalities when people don’t use good judgment and drive after drinking reminds Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna. Make sure you look after yourself and your compadres and have a designated driver or take a cab.
Chips, Salsa, Safety? Easy Cowboy… The Señoritas may not think it’s very cool if were visiting the El baño every fifteen minutes. Make sure all food is properly prepared and fresh!
So on the fifth of May, when you see the flags and the celebration of Cinco de Mayo, understand that it is not just Mexico that is being celebrated. It is victory, democracy and a love of one’s heritage. Why not invite friends over for a Cinco De Mayo party and educate them as well?
Happy Cinco de Mayo and Be Safe!
Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna