Charity: Raices Cultura
By Noe Gutierrez
Eevaan Tré is an artist. Crossing music and fashion like no else in the Coachella Valley, he has developed his own unique brand and continues to cause females to swoon at the sound of his voice and at the cut of his rug. “My job is to be the artist. I have always been involved in marketing, but I’m a musician first then I toss in a little fashion.”
The younger brother of State Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia, Tré considers his older sibling his biggest inspiration. “I really dig my older brother Eduardo Garcia. He is a public servant. His main goal is to give back to his community and humanity. Those are my goals too; to help the world progress and leave a legacy of positive change. Working at a young age in campaigns for my brother helped me understand the need to be educated and to present myself in a successful manner and to go after what I want.” Tré is fulfilling his heart’s desires.
Keys to success for Tré include self-gratification and his relatives. “For me it has always been that I enjoy what I do and to be able to take care of myself and my family. To accomplish and maintain that IS success. I come from a family where both of my parents are from Mexicali, Mexico. They taught us the core of who we are and I am me because of them.” On his journey he has distinguished himself. “I’m the quiet one in the family. I was the weird one with the headphones on. I wanted to hear what I loved to hear and nothing else. Music was and is my escape.” He continues to take flight with his music.
Tré is heavily involved in creating and promoting his own brand of vibe rhythm & blues music. So much so that each move he makes is not far from the foundation of his music. “If I’m not doing music I’m talking about it or discussing what could be done with it.” Currently he is working on the release of his EP. “I feel like I have the connections. I just need my music to come out. It starts with the music. I’m putting the album together now. It has a lot of heart and soul. There’s no half-assing on this recording. I will concentrate on being an artist and continue to evolve.”
Tré has recently got into playing video games to help him escape further. “I love video games! I’m a late bloomer but I find it fun and a good way to decompress.”
In being chosen as one of Coachella Valley Weekly’s Top Men of 2016, Tré stated it was easy to choose his charity. “I’m representing Raices Cultura an organization my brother and V. Manuel Perez were involved in creating.” The organization is a nonprofit that was founded by an energetic and dynamic young group of community leaders in 2004. Their mission is to create spaces for artistic and cultural expression, promote healthy communities, and strengthen the voice of the Eastern Coachella Valley. “It represents music and the arts for my community. In my spare time I’m also a music instructor. I want to make sure the arts are funded and don’t go away. Keeping these opportunities open to young people is a life-long goal of mine.”
Eevaan Tré will be performing at Agua Caliente 10/15/16 and at Terrorfest 10/29/16.