By Aimee Mosco
“The term “light” is interchangeable with the term “energy” and it sums up the evolution story of the human spirit. As we ascend and allow more refined light to infiltrate the space we claim, we become “enlightened” beings, literally.” Gratitude + Forgiveness X (Love) = Happiness, by Aimee Mosco and Donald L. Ferguson, page 19.
There is so much talk these days of the massive shifts going on in our world marked by the continuous upheaval. People are awakening to the idea that we are closing out on an era, a cosmic cycle, and moving into a new one. This new space is called many different names, such as the Unity Paradigm, the Golden Age of Peace, 5D, and the list goes on.
If you are familiar with the term 5D, you are likely familiar with the term 3D as well. These terms put context to what is happening as we collectively navigate the landscape of our current circumstances. Humanity is ascending to a new way of being. We are taking what we learned from our 3D experiences and applying that wisdom to a new way of life.
5D stands for 5th dimension, which is characterized by an atmosphere of higher vibrating frequencies (energy) or “light” than that of 3D. When we ascend to a higher dimension, we effectively move into a space of greater “light”. We must be enlightened ourselves to align with this new energetic space.
These shifts and growth collective humanity is experiencing are also playing out in the cosmos. Mother Earth is ascending to 5D in front of us to prepare the new space in which we will live. Higher vibrating energy is sweeping across the planet and pushing the lower, darker frequencies from every crack and crevice out of the way. The atmosphere is gradually shifting to support enlightened living with exclusivity. There is no turning back for any of us if we are planning to remain on this planet. Anything currently in alignment with 3D and lower, darker energies, has no place in the new atmosphere. It will be kicked to the surface for clearing because it simply will not be supported going forward.
It is important to understand that we human beings have been unconsciously preparing for this for a very long time. Our inner Spirits have guided us in procuring the wisdom required to successfully embody the light of 5D. We have worked hard to get here. If we simply commit to letting go of the 3D darkness, the light within us will carry us across the threshold. Now is the time to let go of anything within yourself that does not align with love.
In my pursuit to help human beings transition into enlightened living, I invite you to join Facebook group Evolve through Love hosted by Elizabeth Scarcella, BB Ingle, and me. Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/evolvethroughlove/ and share with us your joy.
Aimee Mosco is an Author, Intuitive Channel, Spiritual Teacher and Co-Founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. Aimee’s passion for helping others inspired her book “Gratitude + Forgiveness x (LOVE) = Happiness”. Find Aimee at www.ihsunity.com