by Sunny Simon
We can see the economy is revving up and judging by my inbox, many employees are poised to take advantage of newly created positions by readying for a job search. Granted, leaving the comfort of a job you can do with your eyes closed for the unknown can be a little intimidating, and perhaps a bit scary. Don’t let that deter you. Revising your resume and taking a long hard look at your career path can be exciting and exhilarating.
The good news is, there are multiple reasons to enjoy the hunt for a new position. As companies expand, they require strong performers and that’s where you enter stage right. With all the movement in the workforce you can shop around and find the best match.
It is a documented fact that almost 80% of jobs are filled through networking, so I suggest networking is where you begin. Come on, don’t give me that eye roll. It will be fun. Think of it this way, networking gives you the chance to reconnect with former colleagues. It’s holiday time, so check in with them, wish them the best and let them know your future plans. Not only will they be pleased to hear from you, these individuals from your past can introduce you to new contacts thus expanding your outreach and increasing your connections.
Now, about that resume. Does it bore you to tears, or have you done a stellar job of touting your accomplishments? Take time now to think about the success you have achieved and pump up that resume by documenting your true achievements. Let your future employer know what you bring to the table in terms of skills and experience. If you suck trying to get this in writing, no worries you can hire a career coach to assist you.
Preparing to leave an old job behind enables you to connect the dots to your career goals. Focus on the big picture and see what new doors will open for you. It is time to move up in the ranks? Look for that dream position. Thinking about relocating? Review the out-of-state opportunities. You might find a company willing to pay all or at least some of your relocation expenses.
Whether you are in the early, mid or late stages of your career, your gut will tell you when it’s time to stick your toe in the water. If you feel the hour is now, draw up your plan, cast your net and have fun. Good luck and may all your efforts be rewarding. In the meantime, have a Happy Thanksgiving! Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching and the author of the blog www.lifeonthesunnyside.net