By Monica Morones
In the middle of a windstorm, at a garage in Thousand Palms, the band FACELIFT melted my face off. Two shredding guitars, clean fast drums, steady bass, and angry vocals all contribute to the badass hardcore Punk Rock band called FACELIFT. The band started in 2006 and are about to release their first album called Straight out of Thousands at their album release party at the Coachella Valley Art Scene April 3rd, where they will play with bands such as Slipping Into Darkness, Who Gives a Fuck, Sun Baked, and Little Red Spiders. When I asked them what is the root of their inspiration, they replied with, “Death, drugs, music and sex.” Would you expect anything less from a punk band?
MM: Who is in your band and how old are you?
F: Danny Duran 27-vox
Quanah Lienau 20-guitar
Robert Ochoa 25- drums
Anthony Hiscutt 25- bass
Joey Duran 22- guitar
MM: How did you come up with the name FACELIFT?
F: It’s referencing a violent facial reconstruction you might acquire in the pit.
MM: What is your style?
F: Hardcore Punk Rock
MM: How do you guys work on your music? Plan it out or is it more organic?
F: It varies from song to song, sometimes a member will come in with an entire song written and other times jams just evolve into more structured tunes.
MM: Who has influenced you musically?
F: That’s a good question… We all seem to have pretty eclectic tastes in music which is constantly influencing each member in their own way. It would be best to keep our direct influences in our subconscious, where they can be the most effective.
MM: If you can open up for any band who would it be?
MM: What do you think of the music scene in the Coachella Valley?
F: It’s getting better but it still seems a little distant.
MM: What is the biggest struggle for you guys as musicians?
F: Money.
MM: Tell me about your upcoming album Straight Out Of Thousands
F: It’s been a long stressful road but we’re glad to finally get our first album out. We’re hoping to gain enough momentum to release a second shortly after. All of the album’s artwork was done by Esteban Ochoa except for the graphic on the actual disc which was hand drawn by Justin Haines.
MM: Where do you guys see yourselves in the next 3 years?
F: Hopefully better off than we’re able to imagine.
MM: What is the root of your inspiration?
F: Death, drugs, music and sex.