Football season brings excitement, but it also comes with some less thrilling realities, especially for those who enjoy celebrating with a drink or two. Whether it’s cheering for your team or commiserating a loss, drinking can easily lead to impaired driving—a mistake with serious consequences.
Early Morning Kickoffs and DUI Risks
With the recent changes in college football conferences, like USC and UCLA joining the Big Ten, we might see more games starting at 9 AM for West Coast fans. This shift could lead to earlier drinking, which, combined with the long-standing tradition of game day celebrations, increases the risk of getting behind the wheel while impaired.
The Legal Risks of DUI
Getting stopped for a traffic violation; speeding, unsafe lane change, or another traffic violation can lead to a DUI charge if you’ve been drinking. Many people don’t realize how easy it is to reach the legal blood alcohol limit of 0.08%. Even if you don’t feel “drunk,” your ability to drive might still be impaired, and that’s all the law requires to charge you with a DUI. It’s also worth noting that the Indio District Attorneys will often prosecute, even if your blood alcohol level is 0.07%.
Medications and Alcohol: A Dangerous Mix
If you’ve taken any medications, whether prescription, over-the-counter, or illegal, mixing them with alcohol can significantly impair your driving ability. Many medications come with warnings about operating heavy machinery—this includes your car. The combined effect of alcohol and medication, called Potentiation, can lead to a level of impairment that makes you legally under the influence, even if your blood alcohol level is below 0.08%.
The Consequences of a DUI
A DUI conviction can carry severe penalties, including jail time, especially if it’s not your first offense. In addition to legal penalties, there’s the potential for tragic outcomes, such as accidents that result in injury or death. As highlighted by the tragic case of our client, Celena Nava, who while jogging, was hit and killed by an impaired driver who was charged with Manslaughter.
Avoiding a DUI
The best advice is simple: Don’t Drink and Drive. With so many alternatives available—taxis, Lyft, Uber—there’s no reason to risk your life, or the lives of others, by getting behind the wheel after drinking. In addition they are all cheaper than calling me. The cost of a ride is minimal compared to the financial, legal, and emotional toll of a DUI, not to mention the possibility of causing harm to yourself or others.
Final Thought
Your dog, your loved ones, and your community depend on you to make responsible choices. If you’re going to drink, plan ahead and arrange for a safe way to get home. It’s the best way to enjoy the game without worrying about the aftermath.
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Upon the advice of attorney Dale Gribow, I exercise my right to remain silent until you contact him at 760.837.7500 or dale@dalegribowlaw.com for his OK. He advises, the VOLUNTARY FIELD SOBRIETY (FST) and BREATH TEST at the scene, are OPTIONAL (unless one is on probation). Thus, I elect not to take them, if that is correct. I want to cooperate and am happy to take a BLOOD TEST. Many believe with the passage of time your reading will go down…unless you just chugged a drink.
Silence is Golden & Handcuffs are Silver. It’s not what you say, but what the insurance company/police, thought they heard you say.
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