Fighting It With Fashion on Feb. 4, 11:30 a.m. at Temple Sinai
Fighting Alzheimer’s with fashion may not sound powerful, but Janet Harris, chairwoman for the first ever Forget Me Not Fashion Show and Luncheon on Monday, Feb. 4, means to help stop this “unfashionable” disease in its tracks.
“I honor my father, Sherman Harris, who died from Alzheimer’s disease, by creating an exciting Forget Me Not fashion show and luncheon,” said Janet Harris, whose family owns Sherman’s Deli, Bakery and Catering in Palm Springs and Palm Desert.
“Alzheimer’s disease eventually affects us all.” she said. “It leaves only the facade of the person you love – a devastating reality for those of us providing support and caregiving.”
The event, to be held at Temple Sinai, 73251 Hovley Lane, Palm Desert, begins at 11:30 a.m. with a fashion show by El Paseo Boutique, Kim Bradley Designs. The luncheon will be catered by Sherman’s Catering.
Proceeds go to the 14th annual Walk to End Alzheimer’s that takes place on Saturday, March 2, 9 a.m. at the Palm Desert Civic Center Park.
Fashion show sponsorships are available with business packages from $250 to $1,000. Sponsor name and logo will be printed on the Forget Me Not program and on a display panel at the fashion show.
“You can make a difference to those suffering from Alzheimer’s or related dementias and their care givers by becoming an individual or business sponsor,” said Harris. “Or buy a table and invite your friends to attend with you.”
Tickets are $75 per person or $750 per table. Tickets are available at Sherman’s Deli, 73161 Country Club Drive, Palm Desert; at El Paseo Boutique, Kim Bradley Designs, 73350 El Paseo, Palm Desert; and The Bungalow Salon, 71935 Highway 111, Rancho Mirage.
Net proceeds also benefit Temple Sinai.
For more event details, visit www.forgetmenotfashionshow.org.
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