The PGA-DUI Foundation Free Ride Service is the first program of its kind in the USA. PGA-DUI Foundation is a non-profit organization launching its services with four vehicles in July 2013. They are initially picking up riders in Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage and Indian Wells to drop them off to their homes across the Coachella Valley. Although location pickup is restricted to these three cities, they are planning on expanding to cover the entire Coachella Valley in the very near future.
Parents and Guardians Against Driving Under the Influence believe that Prevention is better than Punishment. Unlike other DUI organizations which seek to punish only after a DUI incident occurred, PGA-DUI believes in helping to PREVENT any and all DUI related accidents, injuries and arrests.
According to the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department, for the time period of July through October 2014, (since the launch of PGA-DUI) there was a 28% decrease in DUI arrests from the previous year in the cities of Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage and Indian Wells combined.
Arrest Information for DUI’s
07/01/2013 – 10/31/2013 07/01/2014 – 10/31/2014
Rancho Mirage 29 34
Palm Desert 85 58
Indian Wells 16 04
Communities have long struggled with the negative impact of impaired driving. From needless death and injury to overloaded criminal justice systems, alcohol-related crashes and DUI arrests take an emotional and economic toll on society.
PGA-DUI wants to ensure a sober ride home for individuals who have consumed alcohol and would otherwise drive, posing a risk to themselves, their passengers, and others sharing the roadway.
PGA-DUI program enjoys the broad support from potential users, drinking establishments, community organizations, and the alcohol beverage industry and is believed to help reduce the number of intoxicated drivers on the road.
PGA-DUI provides a safe transportation alternative for people who have driven themselves to a bar or restaurant and, after drinking alcohol, seek another way to get home. Generally, the patron’s car remains at the establishment until later the next day, when the vehicle owner, now presumably sober, is able to pick it up.
The Automobile Club of Southern California (AAA) estimates that drivers pay $15,649 (over 10 years) for their first-driving-under-the-influence (DUI) conviction. A chunk of that is for higher auto insurance rates, accounting for most of the 29% increase since 2011. Expenses include fines, penalties, vehicle tow/storage, legal fees and mandatory alcohol education classes, but do not include loss of income, medical costs, civil liability or vehicular damage.
PGA-DUI provides weekend safe ride services, when impaired driving is most likely to occur in the community.
CALL 760-340-1500
6:00 PM – 2:00 AM
Look for their fleet of bright orange Toyota Prius vehicles which also feature a “FREE RIDES” vehicle wrap.