Produced By Tiar’a Literary & Illustration
Stamina means more than just physical endurance. Stamina also means to have mental, and spiritual endurance. It’s an unseen energy that seems to last no matter what gets thrown in its path. Typically, one form of stamina will always lead the other. Meaning that if you train your body to have good physical endurance, usually the mind and spirit follow. It’s like someone saying, “I conquered one mountain in my life. Conquering the next shouldn’t be as difficult.” This may be the case mentally, because now the mind has learned how to attack an obstacle and has succeeded. Seemingly beyond this, other obstacles no longer appear quite as daunting (yet not all the time. Some are assuredly far more daunting than others). It’s merely the principal we are attempting to convey.
When it comes to physical stamina, there is only one way in which it can be enhanced: Proper diet, supplementation, and of course physical exercise. Being focused upon these three aspects of health is a good thing. Consciously, and unconsciously, humans focus, albeit, fixate on many things every day. It’s better to have your focus, and or fixation on something positive that will assist your health, mental health, future, and wellbeing than not.
Exercise and proper nutrition, doesn’t have to be daunting, nor does it have to be expensive. What does it cost anyone to go for a long walk at a slightly faster than usual pace? What does it cost someone to perform ten pushups, ten sit ups, ten squats, and ten calf raises? Does it require a gym membership? What extra money does it cost to switch from a grocery store that sells products, supplements, and produce that do not undergo stringent quality analogy before reaching shelves, to a store that properly analyzes its sources, and makes certain that everything on their floor is of the highest quality, and purest form of organic – Perhaps a few extra cents, dimes, and quarters? Yet, by spending those few extra dimes, quarters and cents, your body and mind receive optimal fuel rather than inferior, you gain a higher quality shopping experience, and staff who are highly-educated on the health benefits of foods and supplements.
Training your body to achieve better stamina helps improve the quality of your physical and cognitive perception of life. Do you forever want to recite – “I’m too tired. I can’t do it. I feel tired.” – No one wants to feel that way. Being too tired, and too unconditioned can severely impair the quality of your experience of life.
Clark’s Nutrition & Natural Foods Market, a family-owned and operated company, have always had the stamina to help improve the lives of its customers. Whether it be from the quality of foods and supplements, the assistance offered to customers from its highly trained and educated Nutritional Consultants, or simply Clarks’ pleasant shopping experience in a well- organized, well-paced, and well-presented store. Clark’s has excelled, and has been at the forefront of health and wellness in Southern California for over five decades.
If you are serious about improving the quality of your health, stamina, and your grocery and supplementation shopping experience, make sure to start shopping at Clark’s Nutrition & Natural Foods Market in Rancho Mirage on Monterey Avenue. Your stamina, health and wellbeing will thank you for it.