Sunday, June 21st marked the first day of Summer and Mother Nature certainly let us know she means business. Many areas reached over 100 degrees and drought conditions are increasing wildfires by the day.
The largest fire so far of 2015 has been the Lake Fire near Big Bear where nearly 20,000 acres have burned as it moved at a rapid rate of spread due to basically zero fuel moisture content, heavy fuels, topography and wind driven. You can expect this type of fire behavior “everywhere” throughout the west. Get Ready! This certainly is a precursor to what lies ahead for us this summer and into Fall.
The good news is the National Weather Service is indicating multiple signs to an El Nino which could bring us much needed rain. The flip side to that is, if our hillsides get scorched from fires, heavy rains could bring another problem of hillside mudflow and erosion. Get Ready!
Are you ready? You should have already prepared your home for wildfires. If you have, great, if you haven’t or still have work to do, Get Ready and contact your local fire department and visit: www.readyforwildfire.org
Get Ready, Set, GO!
Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna