Natalie Corona calls herself an awakened soul. And when you hear her story you will agree, she has certainly chosen to turn adversity into achievement.
A very successful You Tuber, personal trainer, mother and wife; Natalie came from very humble beginnings. While that can be traumatic on its own, the worse is the intense abuse that she endured. Being passed from family member to family member after her mom’s death at an early age, continually being sexually abused by family members, abandoned and afraid, Natalie still managed to excel in life despite her extreme circumstances. However, that’s not what she believed.
When I asked Natalie to share her story of Awakening, I was awed by her transparency and authenticity. She and I became close friends from the moment we met and we often share our thoughts and feelings very openly with each other, however, I was touched by her selflessness and her willingness to share her Awakening story with you! Like me, she holds the intention that you also will feel pulled to Awaken to your best self yet.
I asked Natalie what life was like for her before she realized that she can create a life of her dreams. She explains that she was perpetually worried about what other’s thought of her, she judged and doubted herself constantly, and she did not feel like a success at all. She wondered how other people were able to achieve their goals and she was not.
What she did not understand is that she was ALREADY a success! She was raising two well behaved healthy children, had a happy relationship and was a known You Tube sensation. Because of her shattered self-worth, she could not see herself from an accurate perception.
While treating with a mental health counselor, Natalie bravely addressed the atrocious memories that were unknowingly holding her hostage. Once she could see from her adult point of view what her terrorized younger self had experienced, she almost instantly began to perceive every aspect of her life from a new and healthy outlook. She began to love herself for the first time ever.
From this newly awakened angle, Natalie has continued to blossom, yet, at an accelerated pace. She believed in herself strongly enough to study and pass the exam to become a certified personal trainer, she courageously stepped deeper into her relationship and now married the love of her life, and fearlessly altered the message on her You Tube channel from beauty and fashion to fitness and empowerment. Her You Tube channel went from 24K subscribers (wow!!) to over 42K subscribers (super duper wow!!!!) in six months time!!
Natalie took a stand for herself. She knew deep down that she was worth more than what she was allowing. She found the fortitude to dig deep into her soul and neutralize all the pain she had been experiencing. Furthermore, Natalie has made it her personal mission to assist others who are choosing to become Awakened as well.
Natalie Corona, mother to 3, is a weight loss and wellness coach. She enjoys sharing her passion and knowledge about food and fitness. Find her at YouTube.com/sparklicityno6
To view an expanded video of my inspirational interview with Natalie, head over to my You Tube channel at http://youtube.com/c/GogetyoungTv. And while you’re there…please subscribe to my Channel so you don’t miss out on more Awakening videos.
Finally, if you have chosen to Awaken and have a story to share…please email me at info@gogetyoung.tv. I would love to hear from you!
Until then…I hope you choose to Awaken to Your Best Self Yet!
Elizabeth Scarcella, author, actor and activist, is dedicated to helping others find health in all aspects of life. A lifestyle counselor and wellness expert, Elizabeth can help you awaken to your best self yet. For more information, find her at info@gogetyoung.tv.