Okay, now that I have your attention… The truth is, none of us likes getting shots. It is especially frightening and can be uncomfortable for small children (and even us bigger babies!). But getting both yourself and your child properly immunized is an important decision for the safety and welfare of yourself, child or loved ones says Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna.
“Vaccinations are essential to decreasing the risks of serious diseases and infections.” “These vaccines not only help keep us safe and healthier, but they also help stop the spread of deadly, preventable diseases Chief DiGiovanna reminds us.”
August is National Immunization Awareness Month. Emergency physicians see patients every day who are not appropriately immunized. ACEP recognizes that vaccine-preventable infectious diseases have an effect on the health of adults and children. School is beginning and this is a great time for “all” of us to go get an immunization to avoid certain illnesses.
The nation’s emergency physicians urge all parents and guardians to work with their primary care physicians, including pediatricians, to make sure everyone in their family is up-to-date on all necessary vaccinations and to set up a vaccination schedule.
Come on, a little shot or exposure to a serious illness? Easy to answer this!
For additional information visit: http://healthfinder.gov/nho/PDFs/AugustNHOtoolkit.pdf