A common question asked by most everyone considering Keto is, “How long will it take for Keto to work for me to lose weight?” Typically, they have read all kinds of miracle weight loss stories online and start the Keto diet with high expectations, often fueled by success stories and testimonials of rapid weight loss. However, it is important to manage these expectations and understand that the journey on Keto is highly individual and can vary greatly from person to person.
By the time someone is ready to try the keto diet they may have exhausted every other diet out there and ready to jump in quickly. And they may be a bit impatient. They have researched Keto and read testimonials about how you can have crazy weight loss in a short time on Keto. Sometimes, they have in the back of their mind that, “If I don’t get noticeable results quickly, I could easily stop the diet and go back to my favorite cabs like bagels, bread, chips, desserts and pasta.” Or, it’s easy to say “Think of all the money, time, and energy I’ve spent on yo-yo dieting, buying foods, apps and other diet programs that end up with no lasting results. I need Keto to work for me”!
Why a Keto Coach?
That’s where, as a keto expert and transformation coach, I step in to help manage expectations and provide the best results possible. There is so much more to Keto than weight loss. The true key to living and loving Keto is fully customizing your Keto experience so that it’s personal to you and your lifestyle. Don’t fall into the trap of one size fits all as it can set you up for failure.
My job is to help you with the food and the diet but honestly that’s the simple part. What’s important is that you experience the opportunity to feel confident in your own skin, express your femininity, stop unhealthy emotional eating patterns, find your happy place, lose weight, and have a peaceful mindset about food. That separates just “eating Keto” as a diet from a true personal transformation around food.
If you don’t reframe your emotions around food, it’s easy to get stuck and keep repeating the same patterns over and over that sabotage you. I collaborate with clients through all phases of Keto: The beginning, the weight loss, the mindset transformation, reaching personal goals and then maintaining the precious weight you’ve lost and breaking the cycle of yo-yo dieting.
Everyone is different but I can guarantee that Keto works amazingly fast when done properly and with customization nuanced to support your body, health, and lifestyle.
Is Keto Worth It?
In my own personal experience, it took me about a week to realize keto worked and was worth it. In my first week of easing into Keto and cutting carbs and sugars, I dropped 5 pounds without any exercise. To be honest, it’s not the weight loss that convinced me this was more of a lifestyle than a diet. It was “living” these benefits that won me over and I felt more energetic, positive, and mentally more confident than I had in an exceptionally long time.
In the first two weeks of Keto, I realized that:
I no longer thought about food ALL the time.
My cravings for sweets were diminished and manageable.
I stopped feeling grumpy, uncomfortable, and bloated.
I had a lot more energy and motivation. And, not just with food but every area of my life.
My face looked thinner in the mirror, my eyes were brighter, and my skin looked amazing.
My clothes felt loose around my stomach and weren’t tight anymore.
I felt confident and optimistic that Keto was right for me. My body was loving Keto foods…and it showed!
Fast forward – that’s been since 2018 and I continue to experience these benefits. In addition, I feel happier, healthier and it’s been easy to maintain my goal weight. I love having one size of clothes in my closet and I’m no longer yo-yo dieting. It’s no wonder I’m still passionate about helping women realize their dreams and goals for weight and health and loving every moment of it.
Don’t Wing It
What advice would I give anyone looking to do the same? Don’t “wing it”, because figuring out what to eat on your own, figuring out macros and making the lifestyle adjustments takes time and can be confusing when using “Google Coach”. There is so much misinformation online about Keto. Instead of gutting it out on your own, and greatly increase your chances of success, reach out to a trained coach, like me, to help you jumpstart your Keto success.
If I were coaching you, we’d review Keto food lists, eating plans, basic do’s and don’ts, personal goals, common mistakes, proven diet hacks, etc. Then we’d start by creating a personal program just for you based on foods you crave, what foods you can’t live without, your expectations, goals, health, mindset, social life, etc.
Why? You can have the perfect Keto food plan mapped out, use an app to track your food but without the right mindset and comprehensive customization and support of a coach you could be setting yourself up for failure. When all these important factors are considered, and perfected, you’ll end up with a workable action plan to help you past any weight loss barriers you might have. Combine that with expert guidance, accountability, and support…the true magic of Keto happens!
In summary, while the Keto diet can lead to rapid weight loss, especially in the initial phase, sustainable and healthy weight loss is achieved through consistent adherence to the diet, personalized adjustments, and addressing emotional eating habits. With the right approach and support, women find that Keto not only helps them lose weight but also brings about a significant improvement in their life and overall well-being.
I encourage you to book a free 30-minute private coaching session with me at Ketoiseasycoach.com and let’s talk about what your personal Keto plan might look like.
About Michelle Borthwick (known more widely as Michelle Keto), is the foremost
expert in living the Keto lifestyle and the go-to coach for Keto women. She loves
the CA lifestyle and spends time between San Diego and Palm Desert. Her 1:1
coaching, and group programs have helped hundreds of women from 25 states.
and 4 countries lose over 8,000 pounds while eating foods they love. This
foodie’s motto, and business name, is “Keto is Easy” and she’s one of the few
Keto leaders who promote full customization for long term success. For a
complimentary 30-minute coaching call, please schedule at:
ketoiseasycoach.com or email questions to ketoiseasy@gmail.com