By Sunny Simon
Whether you are in the market for a new job, seeking a business partner or just looking to make some interesting new acquaintances, now is the perfect time. The season abounds with opportunities to connect with friends, family and people you would like to meet. Holiday parties are a breeding ground for both social and business networking.
Before you jump into your party clothes and dash out the door, take a few minutes to prepare. If you can get a peak at the guest list, decide who it is you would like to get acquainted with, or who you already know that can assist with your objectives. A warning here: Do not immediately launch into a discussion on how that person can be of help. Use icebreakers and lively small talk to engage. After all, you are attending to celebrate the season, not to burden anyone with special requests.
Make yourself memorable by flashing your most engaging smile, presenting a warm handshake and offering to get the other person a drink or something from the buffet table. Once you have developed a rapport, ask permission to proceed. Inquire if the timing is right to take a few minutes to discuss a business matter with you. Given the green light, keep it short and concise.
For example, if your new acquaintance is a hiring manager at a company on your target list, deliver your 60 second elevator speech and ask if you can set up a future meeting to further discuss the objective. Get the individual’s contact information and then shift the conversation to another subject. Upon spending a reasonable amount of time engaging with him or her, move on so both you and your new friend and mingle and enjoy the party.
If you are in a job search, it’s fine to share a bit about yourself with party goers, just be cautious. Taking up too much air time and making it all about you will not score points. Networking is an avenue that runs both ways. Take an interest in others. Remember less is more. Do less talking and more listening and be careful on alcohol consumption.
A final word: be your authentic warm and wonderful self. People can sense when you are playing a part, so just relax and have fun. Enjoy the party while you make connections. A few days after the party, do your follow-up. You never know how your attendance at a simple cookie swap or elegant holiday bash can open new doors for you in the New Year.
Sunny Simon, owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching, wishes you holiday joy. More about Sunny at www.raisethebarhigh.com