Surviving and thriving with Keto during the holidays is possible. Just remember that the average person gains 10 pounds during the holidays but you aren’t going to be one of them.
Feast and thrive (not just survive) and enjoy the holidays while eating delicious Keto food. Follow these tips and you won’t miss a keto beat:
1) Choosing Foods – No matter what situation you find yourself in choose nutrient dense foods, fats and proteins that are satiating. (Example: Always eat as much turkey as you want with the skin. Then fill up on veggies with lots of butter, cauliflower mash, salads, and more butter followed by delicious Keto Desserts)
2) Your Keto WHY – Can you imagine what it will be like to enjoy the holidays and not always end up in a “carb coma”? Hold on to your WHY and it will help you get past any temptation you might have. It’s just not worth being kicked out of ketosis and having to start Keto all over again.
3) Embrace the Holidays – Don’t shy away from the holidays because you are Keto. It’s a special time of year for feasting and enjoying food with family, friends and business associates. Don’t miss out. Rather than thinking it may be difficult, embrace the holidays this year. And, show your friends and family how it’s done Keto style. I bet they will be asking for your recipes!
4) Celebrate – You have a lot to celebrate. You’ve chosen a healthy Keto lifestyle and you want to maintain it over the holidays. Congratulations. You can do it! If you get tempted, remember how great you will feel knowing that you won’t be gaining weight and over-indulging and want to crawl into a corner somewhere with a carb coma and sleep it off.
5) How do we kindly say no to pressures by family and friends – Sometimes people we’re around want or even expect us to eat certain foods with them. They might say “Oh, just have one bite” or some people might feel “offended” that you aren’t having what they are having or have prepared. Here are some foolproof ideas where no explaining is necessary:
“I feel so much better when I don’t eat gluten.”
“I feel so much better when I don’t eat sugar.”
“I’d love to, but I recently found out I have food allergies and it’s just not worth the risk.”
Or, your version of one of these, without having to go through a big explanation; keep it short and light. You got this!
6) Family and friend gatherings: Offer to bring your own food such as a dessert and a few other items so you know you have foods that you can eat. (They’ll be Keto of course and no one needs to know the difference unless you choose to tell them)
7) Alcohol – This is a common question and especially applies during the holidays. Practice moderation (no more than a few drinks a week) and stay with the most “Keto” friendly drinks knowing that no matter what it will affect your ketosis level and turn off your body’s ability to burn fat. Also, note to self: when Keto you do get drunk faster and have worse hangovers.
So, what are the best alcohols?
- Vodka, tequila or gin for clear alcohol or Whiskey and rum are also Keto approved.
- What about wines? Prosecco, Champagne (stay away for Chardonnay or Rose) or a Pinot Grigio or Pinot Noir
- Stay away from heavy red wines like Malbec or Merlot and Beer (unless it’s a light beer) but definitely avoid IPA beers as they have from 13 – 20 carbs of carbs.
We drink electrolytes daily on Keto but up your game with them when drinking alcohol.
8) Alcohol must be included in your daily carb count!
9) “Always be prepared.” Women carry your “emergency” bag in your purse with you at all times (Keto crackers, chocolates, bars, nut butters, oils, etc.) and your fave go to foods. This strategy has saved me on many, many occasions and will do the same for you.
10) I have a few Holiday recipes – cream of mushroom soup, egg nog, pecan and pumpkin pie bars with a shortbread crust, pumpkin bread stuffing with feta cheese, sugar cookies etc. and you can download them on my website.
FINAL GOAL: It’s not about “surviving the Holidays! It’s about thriving and enjoying yourself. Plan on waking up January 1, feeling better than ever, having lost weight, stayed Keto, and you look back and say “I really enjoyed myself this holiday. I ate delicious foods. I feel and I look fantastic.” Holiday Blessings and Keto On!
About Michelle Borthwick: Interested in more tips for Keto and the holidays? Email me at ketoiseasy@gmail.com
Michelle is a Keto Lifestyle coach, a Seasoned expert on Keto Coaching for Women. Keto weight loss results can be improved with Coaching, Customization, accountability, and a trusted partner to guide you every step of the way. Michelle offers private sessions, proven Keto diet hacks, proprietary customization, goal setting and more. If you want to customize your Keto to fit your lifestyle, book a complimentary private coaching session online at KetoIsEasyCoach.com