By M.Wheel-Zot
Industrial Hemp or Hemp is a plant base of Cannabis sativa cultivars grown just for industrial or medical use is the sober cousin of marijuana; The 2018 Farm Bill considers C. sativa plants with less than 0.3 percent THC as hemp or industrial hemp. Producers can grow it legally across most of the U.S., subject to strict regulations, and excluding some states. Industrial Hemp is a product that can produce many items that the United States has used since the time of President Thomas Jefferson who served as our countries 3rd president in 1801. Like bamboo, hemp is a plant that can grow fast and effectively in almost all suitable growing conditions. Now and during the infancy of the United States, Hemp was used and is being used: to spun into usable fiber, paper, rope, textiles, clothing, biodegradable plastics, paint, insulation, biofuel, food, CBD oil, and animal feed.
Illegal and Restrictive Marijuana States:
- Georgia
- Idaho, Indiana, & Iowa
- Kansas, & Kentucky
- Nebraska, North Carolina, & South Carolina
- Tennessee, & Texas
- Wisconsin, & Wyoming
Now Hemps biomass can be converted into fuel in a chemical form of “clean burning alcohol, and no -sulfur human made coal. What is amazing about this miracle plant that its use goes beyond CBD products. Hemp has greater potential as a clean and renewable energy source than any crop on our planet! It’s predicted if Hemp was to be widely grown in all the United States for fuel and energy, it could supply 100 percent of many of the energy needs in America.
Terms to know:
- Legalization: that a once-banned drug for United States residents has been made legal.
- Decriminalization: A drug is still illegal, yet you will no longer be prosecuted with a crime for having a specified amount of the plant.
- Medical marijuana: A prescribed use of marijuana as a medical treatment for certain health conditions (e.g., cancer, arthritis, epilepsy, migraine, chronic conditions).
Why is Hemp so versatile, from CBD medicine to biodegradable plastics! Its cellular structure…The hemp plant is also one of the strongest natural fibers. It has been known to produce stronger commercial and industrial products. Hemp’s inherent toughness and muscle are due to its cellular fibers, which is like bamboo and oak trees, allowing hemp fabrics to resist breaking from flexing or hardening. Hemp rope is used on Sail ships because if its durability. Hemp rope was the ruling rope used during the age of sailing ships as part of the boat’s rigging and anchor cord. Hemp is one of the strongest, life-long mold resistant fibers that companies can produce. Incorporating hemp rope and other industrial hemp products is a proactive way of changing the way we do business on the planet. Further, in respects for Mother Nature and living in harmony with our biodiverse communities. Therefore, Hemp products not only have more CBD extraction oil availability, but the Hemp is a more lucrative option for business manufacturers that gives them the freedom in choosing a product with the least possible legal consequences.
Nevertheless, as of federal guidelines; Cannabis and hemp plants contain both CBD and THC along with more than 540 other substances, which makes it a sustainable and sturdy recipe for manufacturers. The main difference between the two plants is the amount of each compound they contain. Therefore, the least of amount of THC in a plant will be the option industrial and CBD growers will consistently use in Americas biodegradable Hemp Plant Products! Therefore, the Hemp and Cannabis plants are making productive strives to help humanity not only in medicine, but in everyday products that consumers will use.
Remember when using integral quality Hemp, CBD, Cannabis, (without & with THC) medicine please consult with your health care provider.
Note: Awareness and Mindfulness is key to many of the human body’s health needs and the sustainability of the Earth. Many of my articles are based on patient reports, and company representatives who manufacture many Cannabidiol Products.