By Bronwyn Ison
Just Do It! This familiar phrase derives from NIKE. What inspires you? What drives you to venture into the world each and every day to strive? Besides the fact you have to pay the bills, something must motivate and be a catalyst for you each day. We all crave… INSPIRATION. We want it, we love it and we need to be inspired.
Our society is full of talented people who have accomplished great things with their lives or skill set. Tony Robbins is a life coach, author and motivational speaker, influencing thousands upon thousands of people. Robbins became a master at influencing people and it enabled him to become a multi-millionaire. He did not attend college, was kicked out of his abusive home at 17 and worked as a repairman. Robbins had a choice as to which road he should take. Clearly he chose the path to success and became a millionaire at 24-years-old. This is quite inspirational. The list is lengthy when it comes to motivational people.
Think of who and what inspires you? You may have a passion for your work. This may be enough to satisfy your palette for a while. As soon as you accomplished or mastered the task at hand you need a fresh challenge. It’s simply human nature and what keeps us striving. My profession keeps me in the forefront of influencing others daily. I often will say, “Do not be intimidated. Be inspired.” Let go of fear and lead with “Yes I can!”
A personal friend and mentor of mine suggested I make a roadmap. Creating an inspirational daily roadmap may allow you to uncover what truly compels you. Write down ideas, thoughts and feelings. Revisit your notes. Your ideas may change and then you may edit. Your ideas can never be too big or small. Stay focused!
It is important to remain healthy. Drink plenty of water and eat healthy. Be sure to exercise. Rest! We live in a sleep deprived society. Sleep is essential. These ingredients are a prerequisite to your success.
Plan your day appropriately. Rise early and get to business. Write down your three top tasks. Take a meditative moment and proceed. Plan your work and work your plan. Take short breaks throughout the day. End your day with a reflection. How did you fair?
Keep your powerful mind active. Be sure to read, browse the Internet and brainstorm ideas alone with a friend, family member, or mentor.
Focus on what makes you happy. Do not sacrifice your happiness. It is helpful for you to express gratitude daily. Each day I am thankful for my health and the health of my family. This can render us feeling comforted.
“We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” Joseph Campbell.
Bronwyn Ison is the owner of Evolve Yoga. www.e-volveyoga.com or (760)564-YOGA
50-991 Washington Street, La Quinta 92253