IPAC presents Jimmie Ray’s Black Train, The Johnny Cash Story – a theater and concert show. A Tribute to the Life and Legend of Johnny Cash modeled in part after Johnny & June’s famous 1994 tour, Jimmie Ray & Cyndi’s Tribute Shows incorporate music from all six decades of Johnny and June’s career. Act 1 of the show, Jimmie and Cyndi take you through the first 5 decades of the life of Johnny Cash, from his 1932 birth in Kingsland, Arkansas up until their famous 1994 concert tour. Act 2 walks you through Johnny’s last songs and the golden years of his life.
Jimmie Ray’s original song, “Black Train” opens the show – a moving song that outlines the entire show, then a walk through the cotton pickin’ days of the 1930’s and 1940’s. Then something magical happens when the first notes of “Folsom Prison Blues” are heard, and Jimmie begins, “I hear the train a comin’….” Or when Cyndi delivers heart stirring version of June singing, “Take the ribbon from my hair…” Or singing together, “We got married in a fever….” This Tribute appeals to a wide range of audiences; from the opening song, audiences experience what they would have during an actual Johnny & June concert of the past. There is just something folks love about Johnny Cash – the man, the music and the memories. Jimmie Ray & Cyndi are the NEXT BEST THING! This theater show includes a crowd pleasing, emotion raising and entertaining multi-media presentation enhancing the shows experience. Married and singing together since 1994, Jimmie & Cyndi have appeared as a duo, with one of their bands, or as special guest with other great bands, in a variety of venues: Performing Arts Centers, Festivals, Fairs, Community Events, Corporate & Private events, Casino Showrooms, Radio, Television, the world famous Fremont Street Experience in Las Vegas, and most recently, NASCAR Races, Mojave Country Fair, right here at the IPAC, an International Broadcast via Deep Rock Drive and more…
Show dates are February 8 through February 17, 2013.
Show times are Friday and Saturday at 7:30pm, and Sunday at 2:30pm