By Jenny Wallis

Dear Jenny,

How come whenever something happens that’s really, really dramatic people say, “wow, sounds like there is too much chi flowing.” Or whenever something bad happens people say, “I will send chi your way.”

Is it possible to create chi? Is it possible to have too much chi? Or what about having too little? Help me understand what this stuff is and how to control it!

Thanks, Athena


Hi Athena,

The definition of chi is living energy. That means energy that is alive and actually brings more energy. There are only a few place in the world that have words meaning living energy. In India the word is prana and in China the word is chi. It’s great to have as much chi as possible, but you want to make sure that it’s not flowing so hard it hits you in the face!


When there is too much chi present, things may feel overwhelming, hurried, it might be difficult to make a decision, it’s just an uncomfortable feeling. When there is too little chi present, negative things may happen, or nothing will happen, stagnate chi is as bad as negative chi!

There are basic Feng Shui tools that have been used for thousands of years. Tools to treat, stabilize, enhance, and balance Chi in the environment. I will list examples of such items that may enhance your home and workplace, bringing about positive change.

Mirrors: Mirrors activate, enhance, and circulate Chi. They correct many problems by enlarging rooms, amplifying existing light, actually rerouting Chi, changing existing windows and views.

Lighting: Lighting is often a quick and easy way to bring additional chi into an area with its warmth and illumination.

Crystals: Round faceted crystals are used on Feng Shui to balance chi that’s moving too fast or too slow for human comfort.

Sound makers: Harmonious sound makers, such as wind chimes, wind sculptures, bells, and musical instruments “call in” benevolent chi. They summon new opportunities with their appealing sounds.

Living things: This category includes all things that require regular maintenance, such as plants, flowers, pets and wildlife.

Objects of nature: Objects of nature are those things that don’t require active maintenance and care, such as rocks, pine cones, driftwood, shells, potpourri, and incense.

Water features: Interior and exterior water features move and stimulate chi.

Wind dancers: Whether brightly colored and whimsical, or serious art pieces, “wind dancers” such as mobiles, whirligigs, banners, and flags uplift and invigorate chi.

Art: Art of all kinds including, paintings, sculptures, collages, and textiles, have a powerful effect on people. The general rule of thumb is that to secure chi, art needs to elicit positive images and feelings that relate to the area being enhanced. For example, romantic art is best when placed in the Love area: art that is powerful and dynamic belong in the Wealth, Fame, and Career areas.

I hope this answers your question Athena. Chi is a good thing, but it is living energy and we need to control it so that we don’t have too much or too little!

–  ❤Namaste, Jenny

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